Sunday, September 22, 2024

Consider it art


Eh? Thomas Sheridan is really out on a limb here, which says a lot! Not sure what he is trying to accomplish, and somebody in the commentary section even wonders whether the whole thing is parody. An Erich von Däniken parody, to be more exact. Or was it Velikovsky? Or maybe both.  

My man Sheridan believes that the Victorian era is far too short. It must have been much longer in real time, perhaps two centuries or more. There is no way so much progress and population growth could have happened within so short a time span. These musings *do* sound like the "arguments" true believers in ancient aliens use when dissing, say, the Egyptians: "Surely, they can´t have moved so many bricks in so short a time to build the pyramids". Sheridan´s fanboys concur and believe that the Victorians were simply restoring stuff from the Roman Empire (which in this scenario must have been super-advanced).

Sherdian also wonders whether the population of Britain really is 68 million. He believes it must be much smaller, while the fans in the commentary section rather hold that it´s much larger, perhaps 80 million, which makes more sense (think illegal immigration). 

And yes, Sheridan´s camera is malfunctioning. Perhaps this peculiar episode of his never-ending out-put really should be seen as art...      

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