Wednesday, September 11, 2024

You don´t say


Actual news item at YouTube c/o The Telegraph: "Moscow has warned the United States it will destroy any long-range missiles that are fired into Russia as Washington mulls changing restrictions on the use of the weapons by Ukraine".

No? Are you sure?! Are you *seriously* telling me that the Rooskees will *shoot down missiles targeting their territory*???

Wow. But then, the EU were visibly surprised when Russia took counter-measures when their oil exports were "sanctioned", so maybe some idiot really needs to hear this message... 

1 comment:

  1. Borde vara förbjudet för ryssen enligt Geneve-konventionen med dylika oförskämdheter. Rema rama hatbrottet att säga så om NATO:s fina raketer.
    Krig får inte bli en ursäkt för hatbrott. Atombomba ryssen nu genast till och åtala och bestraffa eventuella överlevare för hatbrott.
