Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The compassionate exorcist


- Go away, or I´ll call a Hindu exorcist next time!

From Quora, a contributor named Parama Devi writes this in response to a question about Hindu exorcism. 


The concept of exorcism that is found in abrahamic cultures is drastically different from the Vedic-hindu perspective.

In Hinduism we know that people “possessed” by hostile spirits are troubled by “hungry ghosts” who are stuck between dimensions and unable to enter the dynamic of reincarnation, due to some serious karmic problem. Therefore they are LESS POWERFUL than a human being and try to suck the energy of the human and use his/her body to perform actions it would not be able to do otherwise.

Hinduism offers the solution to APPEASE (tarpana) the poor confused and suffering soul by elevating its level of consciousness, presenting sacred water (usually from Ganga), sanctified food (pinda, etc), and reciting glorification of divine Personalities of Godhead, from Puranas etc. It is not an act of war, but an act of compassion comparable to the recently developed “secular” concept of “ghost whisperer”.

In Hindu tradition there are rituals to oppose demonic forces, but they are fundamentally different, because they do not involve a “possessed” human.

Such demonic forces are not interested in possessing the body of a poor human being, as these demonic beings are by nature much more powerful than mere human beings. For them, trying to possess the body of a puny human would be like an eagle trying to ride a bicycle to move around - it would just make no sense.

I believe that the “evil spirit” in “demonic possession” cases among abrahamics are actually very angry (not just hungry) ghosts of deceased abrahamic believers, who after death have discovered that they had been very wrong in their behavior and choices during their previous life, and become frustrated, full of hatred and malice, and try to take revenge in whatever manner they can. This explains why they have reactions against abrahamic religious symbols, that HAVE NO MEANING TO NON-ABRAHAMICS (including non-abrahamic ghosts).



  1. I abrahamitiska religioner kan döda inte bli demoner.

  2. Hennes (?) teori är att så faktiskt är fallet.
