Thursday, September 26, 2024

Soy and Funko Pops


Eastern Orthodox lay theologian and conspiracy theorist Jay Dyer (the party-clad dude in the lower right corner) discusses "deconstruction" with another Orthobro, who goes by COTEL. 

I assumed "deconstruction" was simply a pretentious term for "leaving the Christian faith to become an atheist", but it seems the rabbit hole goes deeper. For instance, many of the deconstructionists don´t become atheists at all, but rather emerge (pun intended) as liberal-Woke Christians. There are connections to the good ol´ Emergent Church. More strangely, one of the leading deconstructionists is a Mormon?!

During the conversation, Dyer and COTEL claims that the LDS Church accepts homosexuality and trans-humanism. And, I suppose, Funko Pops. Is this really true?

The term "deconstructionism" itself obviously comes from postmodernism, and it seems there *is* a connection to this particular mind-virus. Dyer (of course) also believes that there is a vast conspiracy going on, involving pretty much everyone from the CIA and the Jesus People to George Soros and Vineyard. Make of *that* what you wish.

Could be of some interest.     


  1. Funko pops? Menar du figurerna med stora huvuden? Har sett en Jesus -version. Undrar om det kommer en med en viss profet.

    1. That wouldn't be a certain middle eastern prophet who inspired a belief system? Now that would have consequences!

  2. Ja, det stämmer. Var tvungen att kolla upp vad i allsin dar "Funko Pop" var för något! Och nej, någon Muhammad verkar inte finnas, däremot en Muhammed Ali! Dyer tycker att figurerna är löjliga och avslöjar att man är en "soyboy". Tydligen hade flera av dekonstruktionisterna Funko Pops i bakgrunden när de talade om kristendom/ateism på TikTok! :D

    1. I had to look it up also. Michael from the Office as Jesus? I never watched the TV show and barely heard of it. Save your money until the Ashtar Funko Pop appears!

    2. Now funko pop "popup ads" appear on about every page I visit!

  3. "LDS Church accepts homosexuality and trans-humanism". Inte alls, så vitt jag vet. Om det inte alldeles nyligen hänt något dramatiskt.
