Sunday, September 15, 2024

The path of the lion


The mysterious personage who goes by the moniker Consciousness Research Center (OK, I know who he is, so you don´t have to tell me) discusses various more or less mystical or esoteric topics in this short video. It seems Gnowly (as I call him) is temporarily back in the form-world, discussing the "lower" version of the Path of the Sun, which leads to the Pure Creation, where the realized devotees spend an eternity with various god-beings. Not sure why anyone would want to merge with the formless Brahman under such conditions?! 

Gnowly also mentions his ishta-devata, which seems to be Narasimhi, the female and highly secret counterpart of Narasimha, the Man-Lion avatar of Vishnu. Except that in this version, Narasimha/Narasimhi is seen as an avatar of Shiva, instead. 

Brahman becomes many to realize *himself* in and through his creation, but if so - again - why would anyone want to merge with his unrealized formlessness? Is there some secret we´re not being told here, Mr Gnowly? Especially since the highest form of bhakti is said to be "conjugal love" with a god-form...

With those somewhat esoterick reflections, I end this little blog post.

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