Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The church in Los Angeles


Not sure who needs to hear this, but clearly *somebody* does (LOL), since it seems most "non-denominational churches" in the United States are affiliated with *vast* networks comprising thousands of churches...in other words, denominations. 

Why would a church be less than forthcoming about its denominational identity? Do they try to sound "inclusive" or "independent"? Perhaps they want to be seen as preaching "mere Christianity". 

Or maybe they are afraid that their strongly sectarian messaging will be "misunderstood" somehow by babes in Christ. It´s tactically smarter to pretend being non-denominational. Some of the groups mentioned in the video are obviously distinct from all other Christian groups: Plymouth Brethren, Campbellites, the Local Churches...

Glad somebody sorts out the latest shenanigans of the Protestants. 

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