Thursday, September 19, 2024

Will the real Nirmanakaya please stand up?


Good luck with this material. The expositions are based on Mahayana and its sub-sect Pure Land Buddhism (which in turn is divided into further groups - not sure which one this is supposed to be). 

The Buddha is eternal, apparently. So is his collegue Amitabha. Although I suppose he might have a beginning, at least. Note the weird story of a bodhisattva who reincarnated as a pig to save other pigs from samsara! 

Note also the similarities to Hinduism. Dharmakaya = Brahman? Sambhogakaya = Bhagavan? Nirmanakaya = avatara? The Buddha´s nirvana is just a "performance", i.e. his divine play (lila). His incarnations are endless and so are his skilfull means. 

Thank you...I think. Of course, I kind of knew all this before, so these are mine "skilfull means" to tell you the good news, LOL.      

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