Friday, September 20, 2024

Or maybe he was just insane


So a madman was better at science than the actual scientists, while the dreamy Romantics and Impressionists were simply painting air pollution?!

Everything falls apart, can the center hold... 

Van Gogh understood hidden dynamism of the sky 

Monet and Turner painted air pollution


  1. Reminds me of late 19th century English watercolorist depictions of a pinkish sky as a result of Krakatoa's eruption and subsequent atmospheric ash pollution which persisted for several weeks if not months. has an extensive report which I won't reference (Explaining the green volcanic sunsets after the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa) as it's too technical for my brain. Basically, it encircled the world, as did the resulting tidal waves which circled the globe three times. Also the loudest sound ever recorded.

    Regarding Van Gogh, I can accept that his visual perception was heightened and may have "seen behind the curtain as it were", but it is an interesting premise: the impressionists were the real "realists". Or something.

  2. "The Impressionists are the real realists". Exactly. Makes me wonder about a lot of things in art history...

  3. I mean, the Greeks and Romans evidently colored their White marble...
