Saturday, September 7, 2024

The mystery of the Solarian plasma and the Luciferic counter-initiation in the light of Anthroposophy


Good luck with this material, a one-hour long discussion about Anthroposophy on (perhaps) middle level. 

Yes, it´s Lucifer versus Ahriman, the Consciousness Soul, the Saturn period, the Solarian (?) and Lemurian periods, and so on. Fun fact: the guy who looks vaguely like Rudolf Steiner himself is actually *not* an Anthroposophist but rather a kind of Whitehead-Jung-occultic best blend. The female mystic Gigi Young, who looks vaguely Pre-Raphaelite, is the Anthroposophist. 

Also contains some criticism of current American spirituality, including its weird combination of the Luciferic and the Ahrimanic. As in: use technology to transcend the world! Final point: is the plasma physicist mentioned the same person as the author of "The Sirius Mystery"? No idea. 

As I said, good luck to ya. (Yes, my headline is somewhat ironic.)   

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