Monday, September 2, 2024

Operation Sunray: When Baba Vanga met the aliens


This story gives an entirely new meaning to the expression "it didn´t lose anything in retelling". Indeed, that seems to be literaly true. 

While the original talltale is from the early 1990´s, recording an event that supposedly happened in Bulgaria in 1990, the current versions seem more recent. This may explain the (obvious) similarities to films such as "Prometheus" or "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull". 

That being said, this fakelore presumably have roots further back in both science fiction, ancient alien narratives, and conspiracy theory. The presence of psychics strikes me as a bit "old fashioned". And while most of the urban legend concerning Operation Sunray sound very American, some local Bulgarian color has been added (after all, the story *is* from Bulgaria originally). 

Baba Vanga was a well-known soothsayer in that Balkan nation who is still quite popular, decades after her death, with (probably forged) prophecies in Vanga´s name making their rounds around YouTube and perhaps elsewhere. Naturally, the baba has been included in the operation, uttering dire warnings about what awaits the unsuspecting soldiers who are digging to unearth the Philosopher´s Stone...

Yepp, it´s aliens all the way down!      

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