Monday, August 3, 2020

Fackföreningar för Trump?

Den här typen av problem kommer att bli allt vanligare i framtiden, oavsett vad vänstern och miljörörelsen intalar sig själva... 

Artikel på engelska.


  1. Dax att go off topic här istället? Systemet visar inte automatiskt mer än 200 kommentarer...

  2. Senaste nytt från sekternas sekt är att den amerikanska sektvänstern klagar på att en homosexuell borgmästare har hoppat i säng med college-studenter han träffat på progressiva möten.

    Med andra ord: helt vanligt homosexbeteende. Alltså att äldre män gillar yngre dito.

    Kan ju bli intressant...

  3. "Circular firing squad". Vad skulle vänstern göra om Trump bara försvann? Gissa...

  4. Visste ni förresten att matematik är en vit patriarkal konstruktion? Jag visste inte att indier och araber var vita, men okej, de var väl patriarkala...

  5. Fast de gamla egyptierna var väl inte entydigt patriarkala? De var inte entydigt vita heller...

  6. Finns det något mer heteronormativt än 2 + 2 = 4?

  7. Funderar allvarligt på att börja identifiera mig med någon högerströmning, jag menar vad fan är felet med vänstern?

  8. Å andra sidan verkar högern vara minst lika uppknullad som vänstern...

  9. Vissa av de där fuhrer typerna är snarast vänster.

  10. Den vita rasen kanske har nått vägs ände. Dags att byta ras också?

  11. I really love this blogger every time she goes off her meds!

  12. Will Biden pick Susan Rice or Michelle Obama? Big issue in Amerikan news right now. Is Kamala out, then?

  13. Michelle Obama could play the role of liberal Messiah, I suppose.

  14. QAnon is spreading. Just saw article about QAnon in Lithuania! Most QAnon fans in MAGA can't even place that nation on a world map...

  15. Of course, we all know that no secret elite or deep state exist, right? The pundits attacking QAnon are incredibly lazy. As for trafficking, well, Epstein didn't kill himself...

  16. QAnon versus Michelle Obama. Welcome to 2020.

  17. "They actually claim there is a SECRET ELITE in Western society". Boo!

  18. I don't believe in that Q character, of course, but at this stage, QAnon has a higher chance of being true than the BAU messaging of liberal and faux leftist pundits.

  19. The media lie about essentially *everything* so their attacks on the Q guy is projection...

  20. Just wait another year until the truth comes out about corona...

  21. "De dominerande ideerna är alltid den härskande klassens ideer" sa Kalle Marx.

    I USA 2020 stödjer en falang av den härskande klassen Antifa.


  22. Vem skickar man orosanmälan till om vänstern blivit koko? A guy named Donald?

  23. Klockan är tre på natten och jag har just svept ett glas flädercider. Utan alkohol, ska det väl tilläggas.

    Life's OK.

    Mitt största problem just nu är att jag inte har tillgång till böcker om Evagrius Ponticus.

  24. /Från inlägget ovan, som tydligen har fått för mycket av maniska kommentarer/ ;-)

    Hur och till vem skriver man en orosanmälan, om man upptäcker att en "tidlös" bloggare blivit helt manisk, och dessutom utvecklat riktigt oroande tendenser till multipelpersonlighet?

    P.S. Så klart QAnon censureras. Av ungefär samma anledning som Cissi Wallin döms för förtal. Att påstå att ledande, eller kända. eller folkkära, eller rika, etc.etc. personer begår otäcka övergrepp hotar stabiliteten i varje samhälle. Och det oavsett om den som anklagar är vänster, eller höger, eller till och med till höger om Djingis Khan.

  25. Jag drömde att jag träffade Barack Obama. I drömmen var han chef för ett företag i Göteborg och hånade afro-centrister! Ett omen om att Michelle blir Bidens VP?

  26. Erik,

    Det kan i vart fall inte vara cidern, för den innehåller ingen alkohol och jag köpte den först idag!

  27. OK, I admit. I never read Lincoln's Gettysburg speech. I can't even place Gettysburg on a map. At least I know it was a Lincoln speech,lol.

  28. China starts a pandemic, Russia ends a pandemic, meanwhile US does what? Most of the dying?

  29. Funny how Germany complains about Trump troop withdrawal, while buying oil from Russia.

  30. LOL! So the DNC apparat (?) did pick Kamala Harris as the effective presidential nominee.

    What for?

    She has no support among Democratic voters, and less support among Black voters than White liberals!

  31. Also, Harris spent most of her campaign attacking Joe Biden.

    We are going to see a lot of that GOP attack ads!

    Note also how seamlessly Harris has morphed from "progressive" to "moderate" in the media commentary...

  32. Kamala Harris has zero delegates. Her campaign was a complete bust. Yet, she could now become president anyway by appointment.

    She is obviously the elite candidate. This is how the globo-liberal elites want the president to be selected. By stealth!

  33. Chances are that she will become the new Hillary Clinton. Super-arrogant, entitled to the throne, with liberal media fawning all over her, completely oblivious to the fact that the voters do see America falling apart around them...

  34. The only thing that can save the Dem ticket is *massive* election fraud, or a *completely* disastrous Trump decision or scandal.

  35. Congratulations to LRP-COFI and RCP for endorsing Kamala Harris! You have her back!

    But sure, I suppose a faux Bonaparte is "the lesser evil" to a real one...

  36. I'm sure Putin and Xi are *so* afraid of Kamala, lol. But I'm unfair. I think it's obvious that she's going to pick HRC as her Secretary of State.

  37. Or as VP once she is POTUS? Then, Hillary Clinton forces her to resign, and becomes POTUS herself.

    Who is *really* threatening American democracy?

  38. I don't think the far left realizes how far out they are on the slippery slope...

  39. It would be ironic if the Black turn out would go down, once Black voters realize that Harris, not Biden, is the real nominee...

  40. Biden has the Black vote, not Harris. Fact!

  41. Trump should stop the BS, give everyone 600 dollars, cancel all student debt, etc. The system is fucked soon anyway, so who cares?

  42. Fuck the free market people, it's time for a populist auto-da-fe!

  43. You wont recognize America after 4 or 8 years with Harris. And I will be off the "pro-American" train long before that! GOODBYE.

  44. Funny. Harris' ancestors on Jamaica *owned* slaves?! You aint Black, Kamala!

  45. There is nothing more important to do in the US for the feminist movement than to defend the VP candidate from racist and sexist slurs online...

    Good grief.

  46. Black activists demanded that Biden select a Black female running mate. In response, they got a half-Creole half-Asian from Canada who was once top cop in California and got less Black votes than Ben Carson...

  47. Only MASSIVE election fraud can save Dem ass now.

  48. Sweden demands sanctions against Belarus, while Germany buys oil from Russia.

    Should I just leave politics?

  49. Bob Avakian is Kamala's bitch. Sad!

  50. Hur funkar R-värden egentligen?

  51. Sweden just now: protests *for* mandatory masks, wtf, the world is crazy.

  52. On second thoughts, the feminists probably should defend Kamala Harris against racist slurs. You know, slurs like "oreo", "Tom", "Aunt Jemima" etc.

  53. Kamala is the first Oreo-American nominee.

  54. It will be interesting to see if the far leftists who endorsed Biden will stick it out with Kamala to the bitter end...

  55. Meghan Markle will vote in 2020 POTUS elections. (For Kamala Harris?)

  56. Donald Trump is literally shaking right now.

  57. What happened to all the liberal Catholic grandmamas?

  58. So how *do* you pronounce Kamala's name? Why is that even an issue? Everyone knows that Americans always pronounce foreign names as if they were American...

  59. Kämälä Diiivaj Härris.

    OK, that's Swedish phonetic spelling.

  60. Kamala Deev-I Harris.

    With the a's pronounced like Swedish ä's.

  61. She has already morphed into an Indian. I assumed she was Blaq?

  62. This is funny. The Black progressive has morphed into an Indian moderate in little under 48 hours.

  63. If the coup succeeds, she will morph from Veep to POTUS in little under 48 hours,too.

  64. I will morph from Shachtmanite to Pan-Slavist if that happens. It will only take a few minutes...

  65. Sobornost druzhina pravoslavye da da!
