Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Home to Socorro


I always considered the Socorro incident to be one of the best UFO cases on record. However, it´s also one of the most "physical" UFO cases, which is compatible with both the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (nuts-and-bolts) and some kind of earthly explanation. The fact that the military were so keen on investigating the case can likewise be given both sinister and more mundane explanations, the most obvious being that what police officer Lonnie Zamora saw in 1964 was a classified NASA test flight. The White Sands Missile Range is in the same general area of New Mexico. 

The explanation favored by the content-creator who posted the video linked to above is that it was all a hoax, orchestrated by students at the nearby New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. Zamora had previously worked at this university and was apparently not popular there. The problem with this scenario, as even the content-creator admits, is that it would have to be the hoax of the century! 

As far as I can tell, none of the "natural" explanations can give a credible account of how the UFO could move away from the area with incredible speed, once it was up in the air...


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