Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Esoteric Bidenism: The buck stops here


A surprisingly good speech by Joe Biden on Afghanistan, all things considered. I mean that un-ironically. Note the attacks on "nation-building"! Biden actually says: "The goal was never to create a unified centralized democracy in Afghanistan". He also singles out al-Nusra in Syria as enemies of the US. And yes, he did call Afghanistan "the graveyard of empires".

Let´s be honest: Biden sounds like Trump! 

But *now* the globo-liberal media attack him, comparing the US withdrawal to Saigon?! Ahem, aren´t libs and boomers supposed to *oppose* the Vietnam War? Do they actually compare the "centralized democracy" in Afghanistan with the military regime in South Vietnam? HA HA HA. 

You go, Joe! 


  1. Meanwhile, Breitbart News are playing the blame game and sounds almost like Neo-Cons. LOL. What do they want Biden (or was it Trump) to do instead of leaving Afghanistan? Nuking them, and then leave? Take a brave stand at the airport, Bible in hand, shoot somebody somewhere, and *then* leave? Evacuate everyone in orderly fashion on 9/11 after negotiations with the Taliban and call this "success"? Utter unprincipled morons!

  2. Biden is right. The Afghan pseudo-government didn´t want to fight, and that was that.

  3. Does anyone seriously believe (at this stage) that an agent of chaos like Donald Trump had some kind of better plan than Joe Biden? "Mohammed, if you don´t let us leave in orderly fashion, I´m gonna bomb your village". Yeah, that sounds like such a great plan, Donald, really.

  4. Let´s send in 10,000 more troops so we can evacuate in peace. Or something-something.

  5. You will have bigger problems on your hands very soon, bigger than the botched operation in Kabul, trust me. Delta Virus, stagflation, unemployment, an eviction crisis, maybe riots. Hang in there, Joe!

  6. And in 2024, Donald Trump will be your president again...

  7. En kanske lite mer marxistisk utgångspunkt än du för fram här ;-) https://www.marxist.com/afghanistan-the-cynical-betrayal-of-us-imperialism.htm
    USA:s invasion 2001 hjälpte förmodligen talibanerna på lång sikt, 2001 var talibanerna militärt pressade av Norra Alliansen och skulle nog ha fallit vid det här laget om inte USA invaderat. Norra Alliansen upplöstes och talibanerna kunde framstå som de enda som bekämpade en militär invasion, och erövrarnas korrupta marionettregim. Till och med Pol Pot kunde ju få stöd medan han var i kamp mot USA, av den anledningen. När han väl tagit makten visade han sig vara mycket värre än USA-marionetten Lon Nol. Scenariot liknar på sätt och vis det i Afghanstan idag.

  8. PS. Om talibanrna hade besegrats av Norra Aliansen och inte av USA hade de nog inte kunnat komma tillbaka. Som de gjorde nu.
