Monday, August 23, 2021

"Halal-arious" (hilarious) trolling?

This is simply incredible. Or is it Russian disinfo? Clearly, *somebody* is trolling America!

Taliban trolls Joe Biden...again!


  1. The idea that a bunch of Muslim fundie rough riders who lived in the hills for 20 years can troll people in a convincing way on the web simply isn´t credible. In other words: they hired somebody.

    The real question is therefore: Who?

  2. Whoever it was he/she was worth the fee. I have a sneaking suspicion it might be Andrew Anglin from "The Daily Stormer". Hes one hell of a genious when it comes to ironic humor. Sometimes i wonder if hes lost in all his own irony but be sure is funny as hell.

  3. Even the most hardcore feminist must admit that this take on argentinian feminists shitting in front of a church is pure genious funny:
    Notice the picture of marching orcs sneaked in among the pictures of naked and defacating feminists.
    And qoutes like "Naked sluts in front of Children, this is full blown matriarchy".

  4. Someone in the comment section;
    "This is what we get for no longer burning witches".

  5. Look at the sites latests post. Slightly to taliban-friendly even for being ironic nazis. And Anglin got most of his financial support channels cut off by various state agencies, so him colaborating with the taliban and being paid by them in some bit coin-like currency would be a win-win.

  6. PS: Hes the guy who came up with "The Yutes and their lies". In that take be used pictures from those awfull state TV Children shows on danish TV to prove hos point about Danes being an especially vile and faggoty kind of scandinavians, even worse than the swedes.
    If i needed someone to troll my enemies this is the guy i would hire.

  7. And here hes meming about a woman being set light to by her taliban husband for her inferior cooking skills:
    Ironic nazi or not, he is by far the most non muslim taliban friendly voice online for the time being.
    I might be going to far here but i would be suprised if Anglin is not the guy Youre looking för.

  8. It´s actually an interesting speculation. Vox Day once claimed that Andrew Anglin doesn´t really exist, or rather, that he is a composite character. Difficult to catch?

    It will be interesting to see in a couple of years what the media says about the Taliban trolling and who´s behind it, today they are mostly busy being trolled! Ha ha.

  9. The crazy feminists seem to be supporters of a Trotskyist group, MST. This used to be a serious/normal Trotskyist group of the "Morenist" variety, led by Luis Zamora, but they have apparently gone off the deep end, well, at least judging from the photos! Zamora left the group long ago, apparently, and now heads his own group. Good for him?

  10. Damn, Argentinian trots are way diffrent than the swedish autist-trotties. Cant imagine Offensiv ör Elexkampanjen defecating in public. Not as a political statement or in general.

  11. I think the entrist that tried to appropiate the group i was active in would have died of shame on the spot if be saw his comrades engaging in ultra-degenerate stuff like this.

  12. I never been to Argentina, but Argentine politics strike me as quite crazy (well, at least by our standards!), although Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador are even stranger...

    Perhaps we are the strange ones? :-D

  13. I mean, when I think about it...

    Peru = a civil war between a Japanese president and a Spanish-descended guerilla inspired by the Chinese cultural revolution, set in a nation predominantly inhabited by American Indians?!

  14. Sendero Lumonoso are so way out there. When they kicled of their campaign(was it in the 70-es?) they hanged(as in killed) hundreds of dogs from lampposts in Lima with signs on them that said "Den Xiao-Ping". Good! That way the proletariat Will know from the start to keep away from revisionists. Or something...
    Whatever any politics a group might have, if they do something like that, i wish them ill.
