Friday, August 20, 2021

Tulsi Gabbard on Afghanistan


Tulsi Gabbard is getting old (let´s be honest, she used to be the hottest Hare Krishna chick in town, and yes the town in question was Washington DC!), but she does make some good points in this message on Afghanistan, which, however, also leaves many questions unanswered... 


  1. Tulsi Gabbard is mostly known for having torpedoed Kamala Harris´ primary election campaign. Of course, Harris made a stunning come back as Biden´s VP. Maybe she will become president one day, who knows? When Joe´s buck really stops.

    Then, Tulsi will get the last laugh, she will do some surfing in Hawaii and have Hare Krishna satsangs on the beach, while Harris sits in the Oval Office in DC wondering what the fuck she is supposed to do about Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Turkey, Cuba, Venezuela, New York...

    "Be careful what you wish for!"

  2. You know something´s wrong with the world when being US president is something you would never want to be, not even in your wildest dreams.

    Indeed, if a demon would appear from the darkness and offer you the presidency, you would probably just say: "My dear Mefisto, I see you have gotten quite senile lately"!

    I suppose you could ask him for a free ride to Hawaii...
