Sunday, September 8, 2024

I also remember Dolores Cannon


From a previous life, obviously. Jokes aside, I actually dissed two of her books on Amazon years ago (you can still read the former customer reviews here on my blog). So I´m not exactly a Dolores Cannon fanboy, fanflower, or whatever I´m supposed to be around here. 


After listening to Doreen Virtue´s almost one hour long Christian fundamentalist denunciation of poor Dolores (pun intended), I *almost* got some kind of sympathy for the old mama. Strictly speaking, only the first half of the video is about Cannon (apparently, she was a friend of Virtue during the latter´s New Age period). The second half is an extended sectarian pitch for the particular brand of Christianity Virtue believes in now. Her sidekick is even more strident and sounds borderline crazy.

I agree that Cannon preached a "false Christ", but if Virtue & Co channels the real one, I probably don´t want to get involved!   


  1. Om jag visste att Virtues Gud existerar skulle jag nog bli satanist.

    Erik R

  2. Har tittat på ett antal andra videor med henne nu på morgonen. En massa kvinnor...kvinnor, kvinnor, kvinnor...och ändå vill hon inte att kvinnor undervisar...suck.
