Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The left can´t meme

The Trotskyist World Socialist Web Site (WSWS) is obviously being trolled by the DSA here, but in time-honored "politically autistic" fashion, pretends not to get it, and instead reacts as if a truly world historic event have transpired. A few invectives á la the Spartacist League would have served the purpose equally well, or perhaps a few memes showing Trotsky executing Mensheviks, but naaah... 

DSA "celebrates" Trotsky´s assassination


  1. "We don´t know what kind of strange appetites are manifesting themselves at the DSA office lately, and perhaps we don´t want to know, but as Trotskyists, we do defend even the right of DSA apparatchiks to do whatever consensual perverted act they feel fit doing at their class collaborationist love fests" blah blah blah.

    That´s what the Spartacist League would say. That, and a few exotic invectives only found in highly specialized English dictionaries. Then, they would move on to greener (or redder) pastures, say, defending the right of Italian-American gangsters to cheat on their taxes...

  2. Maybe the WSWS should take a cue from one of the zanier Maoist-Stalinist groups, and produce a meme showing Trotsky lining up and shooting Mensheviks in Georgia 1921. That´s Georgia south of Russia, btw.

  3. For the record, the DSA office-holders do sound like a bunch of decadent petty bourgeois kids after a heavy drinking bout (or is it hash), but why is *that* surprising? LOL. Fuck them!

  4. Surely, the DSA isn´t *really* afraid of the WSWS?

  5. Here is a possible meme.

    "The Terror Next Time"

    Picture of Trotsky and Red Army soldiers (yuge masculine guys) executing effeminate DSA members, who are actually boys dressed in skirts. Trotsky says: "Even Ramon Mercader agrees with me now"

  6. That would force the DSA to start playing the "political autist" game, writing world-historical "condemnations" of the WSWS "trans-phobia", "support for White supremacist terror" and what not.

    Check mate.

  7. The left realy could meme when they were not the establishnent. But that was axlong tine ago and long before meming was a verb.

  8. There was even a time when the establishment could "meme". Both sides mocked each other. Today, it´s so weirdly humorless, except from sections of the opposition (and it took me some time to understand the "ironic Nazi" humor on Twitter).
