Saturday, May 29, 2021

The biggest scheme QAnon ever pulled

It just struck me that QAnon must be the biggest and most succesful troll ever. 

In order to attack QAnon, the establishment media must deny that the world is ruled by a cabal of Satan-worshipping paedophiles. Perhaps the media are right, in some purely technical fashion. However, the world wouldn´t be very different if it *had* been ruled by a cabal of demon-infested sex offenders. 

Of course, an even bigger troll would be to trick the media into denying the following proposition: "The world is ruled by a cabal of neo-liberal corporate cleptocrats who oppose nation-states, labor movements and Western civilization itself". 

Can we make this happen? :D 


  1. In related news, a recent survey proves (no less) that there is a correlation between watching the OAN network and belief in QAnon conspiracy theory. OK, Boomer. Now, I´m sure there is also a correlation between watching CNN and belief in the Blue Anon conspiracy theory that Trump was a Russian agent, but something tells me they will never tell us *that* in a mainstream media outlet. Btw, there is probably also a correlation between watching, say, Democracy Now and belief in conspiracy theories about JFK or 9/11. And for all I know, those conspiracy theories might actually be true...

  2. Everytime I try to break with radicalism and embrace the establishment, the latter decides to screw up the world even more than last time, leaving me stranded on the fringe. the universe trying to tell me something?
