Monday, May 31, 2021

En helt vanlig dag i Minsk

Jag tror att Wolfgang Hansson har rätt här. Lukasjenko (eller Lukasjenka) är visserligen pro-rysk, men försöker samtidigt manövrera för att kunna behålla Belarus´ självständighet. Han vill inte bli en av Putins provinsguvernörer. Det är därför han ibland låtsas vara "neutral" mellan Ryssland och väst. 

Jag har således noterat att Belarus gärna tar emot bistånd från EU och Sverige, arrangerar fredskonferenser om Ukraina, etc. Innan amerikanska presidentvalet 2020 spreds det rentav rykten om att han var *väldigt* intresserad av ett närmare samarbete med EU, USA och Turkiet. Och så vidare. 

Så det är nog Putin som ligger bakom nedtvingandet av Ryanairs passagerarplan. Det hela är ett sätt att knyta upp Belarus ännu hårdare till Ryssland, så att landet inte plötsligt kan svänga (något Janukovitj i Ukraina försökte göra innan Ryssland stoppade tilltaget - och även han var i allmänhet pro-rysk). 

Därför vinner Putin på flygkapningen


  1. Det finns paralleller till detta, men det talar inte västmedia om idag.

    Uttalande från "Hands off Venezuela" den 3 juli 2013.

    Hands Off Venezuela, Bolivia Solidarity Campaign and others would like to express our solidarity with the Bolivian president Evo Morales, with the revolutionary workers and peasants of Bolivia, in the face of the blatant imperialist aggression which held the president against his will in Vienna for over 14 hours.

    In the evening of July 2nd, Bolivian president Evo Morales was flying back to his country after having attended a summit of gas exporting countries in Moscow. His plane was denied air space passage and landing rights by France, Portugal and Italy which put the personal safety of all those on board at risk. The plane was therefore forced to make an emergency landing at Vienna airport. The Bolivian Foreign Affairs Ministry declared that the reason for this unprecedented violation of international law was the unfounded rumour that Edward Snowden was on board the plane.

    By 4 am local time, both France and Portugal had changed their position, only after strong protests by the Bolivian authorities and a stern denial that Snowden was on board. Then it was the Spanish government which refused Morales the right to use its airspace. By 6 am the Spanish authorities offered to open their airspace only if they were allowed to search and inspect the plane. Evo Morales rejected the demand which was clearly illegal.

    It was only after 9.30 am that the Spanish authorities finally gave permission for president Morales plane to fly over Spain. The Austrian police then conducted a passport check on all passengers of the plane. It was not until 11.30 am that the Bolivian Air Force 1 plane finally left Vienna airport. The democratically elected president of Bolivia had been held against his will for over 14 hours.

    We declare::

    - Our outrage at this flagrant violation of international law, regardless of who was or not on board, a presidential plane has immunity and should be allowed safe passage. Clearly there is a law for the big powers and another for small countries.
    -We note that some of the countries which denied president Morales the use of their airspace (Italy, Portugal and Spain), had no problem collaborating with the CIA’s illegal “rendition” flights.
    -We note that amongst the revelations made public by Snowden is the fact that the US authorities spied on the European Union and European countries. Despite this, these same countries are prepared to follow the instructions of the US in illegally grounding Evo Morales’ plane.
    - We express our solidarity with the Bolivian president Evo Morales and with the Bolivian people, in the face of this blatant imperialist aggression.

    Hands Off Venezuela, Bolivia Solidarity Campaign

  2. Om Snowden verkligen hade funnits på planet hade han säkert utlämnats till USA och då hade parallellen varit komplett.

  3. Hansson nämnde det i förbigående (i en annan artikel), antagligen för att hålla ryggen fri om någon skulle utmana honom...
