Tuesday, May 4, 2021

The Earth is flat, nuke Red China

Apparently, the US government will release its "final" report on the UFO phenomenon in June. Above is a link to a segment from Tucker Show on Fox News, discussing these supposed revelations.

I think it´s obvious from the take where this is going (if anywhere). "Massive intelligence failure". Yepp, the whole thing is a psy op on the public to justify more money to the US military so the "failure" won´t happen again. Stay tuned for more advanced missiles and drones!

Which may or may not be a good thing, depending on who you support in the coming war over Taiwanese microchip facilities. Still, it *is* intriguing that the US is still so socially backward and scientifically illiterate that the military has to feign belief in aliens from outer space in order to get the population on board...

Maybe next year, NASA will publish a report denouncing the moon landing as a hoax, while the US Geographical Survey will claim that the Earth is flat? Of course, the liberal Dems (not featured on Tucker) will have to continue their BS about no. 45 being a Russian "asset"...

Just telling the ordinary citizen that he can´t play games on his Android if Taiwan is lost won´t cut it, I suppose. 

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