Thursday, May 27, 2021

The COVID Conspiracy

I don´t claim to know whether or not the coronavirus is "man-made" or not, but since I previously linked to an article in Breitbart News claiming that it is (when this was verboten knowledge according to the Masters of the Universe), I will now do the exact opposite, and link to an article arguing that it *isn´t* man-made. 

Today, the Biden White House has turned 180 degrees and is de facto claiming that it may indeed have been manufactured, after all. The piece below is from the World Socialist Web Site and argues that the "Wuhan lab" theory is part of the US neo-cold war propaganda against China. 

White House embraces "Wuhan lab" conspiracy theory


  1. La ut länken till WSWS-artikeln på Facebook, för säkerhets skull med tillägget att det i och för sig kom från en ganska så obskyr grupp. Men argumenteringen i den ÄR övertygande.

  2. Jag antar att Facebook för ögonblicket inte kan censurera debatt i denna fråga...
