Sunday, May 2, 2021

State-owned carpet factories ARE CREEPING SOCIALISM

An entertaining article from Wikipedia, probably written by a libertarian or *very* rabid anti-Communist, arguing that Kuomintang (including Chiang) were "socialists" and therefore presumably a bunch of unreliable Reds. For instance, the Chinese Muslim general Ma Hushan "operated state-owned carpet factories" in southern Xinjiang. THE DAMN COMMIE GOOK. Everyone knows that state-owned carpet factories, especially when run by renegade warlords in highly disputed territories, are prime time ejemplos of CREEPING SOCIALISM. Quite unlike single-payer health care for US Republican Congressmen, or Federal Reserve dollars to CIA´s black budgets, then. Not to mention farm subsidies. 

"Socialist ideology of the Kuomintang"

1 comment:

  1. God damn it! I demand free helicopter rides ASAP for that God damn Kuomita or what the hell they call themselves. I know crypto-commies when i see em, are those helicopters here anytime soon? What the hell is taking you so long!? Are you to bloody cryptos or what!? Just wait till General Ripper get to hear that you are infiltrated by cryptos. This means all out thermo nuclear war!
