Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Next year in Beijing

I find it richly ironic that Chinese state media wonders aloud whether there is a powerful Jewish lobby in the United States, prompting the Israeli embassy in Beijing to accuse the show host of "anti-Semitism". 

Note: Israel actually has an embassy in China. But that´s not the irony. 

The Chinese *know* that Jews in the US are powerful...since one of the richest ones is a Chinese "asset"! Yes, that would be Michael Bloomberg. 

Still, the Israeli embassy is right. The Jews really don´t control the world. The Controller is somebody closer to...Beijing. 


  1. Another irony: Red China uses capitalist plutocracy to "get" the United States.

  2. Bloomberg is a bad investment. In the primary elections, he only managed to win American Samoa! But OK, maybe the Chinese are interested in aquiring these particular islands?

  3. Is socialism the only way to save America from China? LOL. Expropriate Michael Bloomberg, redistribute his money among the needy children!

  4. Arrest Bloomberg for high treason. Israel won´t mind, Bloomberg is a Reform Jew!

  5. Imagine if Bloomberg had managed to buy the US presidential elections, the US would be a colony to China, maybe John Ross of Socialist Action would be ambassador to the UK? Chilling.

  6. And Lenora Fulani would be state secretary for education.
