Saturday, May 15, 2021

And then they came for the socialists...

Sheffield University might cancel Alfred Russell Wallace (and many other scientists) from their "de-colonized biology curriculum". The attack on Wallace is incompetent and bizarre, especially since he was a socialist! The excerpt below is from Mail Online. In other news, China just landed on Mars...   

Alfred Russell Wallace

Known for: Co-developing the theory of natural selection and evolution with Charles Darwin, something Darwin is most often credited for.

Sheffield's view: He carried out all of his field observations in a colonial environment. In a similar concept to the 'Wallace line' separating biological realms, he drew a boundary line between what he classified as different ethnic groups in the colonial Dutch East Indies.


  1. Evidently, Wallace should have carried out all his observations in Sheffield. And why does Sheffield deny the existence of different ethnic groups in Indonesia? Maybe the Moluccans and the Javanese don´t want some meddling SJW from Sheffield to tell them what exactly they are?

  2. Somebody should look into how much money the CCP has given Sheffield Uni lately.

  3. Darwin is (of course) on the list of "problematic" scientists, LOL. How about Copernicus? I mean, he was a Catholic. Or Eratosthenes, who knew that the Earth was a globe? I mean, he was a White boy in North Africa, fucking problematic as hell! Better claim the Earth was flat and stands on the back of a turtle, lest we are "colonial" or something.

  4. It´s turtles all the way down!

  5. SJW curriculum = Bantu education.

  6. Time to draw a "Wallace line" in the sand...

  7. No offense to the Moluccans, but I suspect their traditional creation legends are just as bad as the Biblical ones, so I say White bro Wallace was right on target with that evolution thing.

  8. The good news is that Blacks and Whites are the same species. The bad news is that everyone is related to chimpanzees and comes from a big bang of primordial slime, signifying nothing. Unless Wallace was right. He was a Spiritualist! But of course, I´m sure that´s "colonial" too, somehow. Or an insult to the ghosts. Or something.

  9. As a card-carrying ghost in a classical haunted house in Sheffield, I take great offense at the university´s attack on bro Wallace, I mean, I *knew* the guy personally (we ghosts linger for a very long time), he was a nice jolly chap, brought me tea and biscuits during a séance, so get your living hands off him! Not sure where he is now, maybe back in the East Indies, hob-nobbing with the ancestral spirits?

  10. What about climate science? Isn´t that a White preserve, too? Hmmm...

    Cancel it, maybe?

  11. "The science is settled". LOL.

  12. The Earth is flat. The science is settled.

  13. Maybe Darwin should have measured his own brain! Who can argue the physiology of homo sapiens is different for different races? Whites are waking up to becoming the minority over here. Oh and reco The Underground Railroad series if you can stand the violence. Found this comment:

  14. Angelranger,

    The problem with the article you link to is that the author hasn´t noticed that the Sheffield University *also* wants to cancel Alfred Russell Wallace! So he is clearly not getting it...

  15. Mr. Timeless, correct. But Mr. Flannery's "research and work on Wallace continues." (sic)
    I'm grateful to have the topic brought to my attention.
    But yeah, institutions of "higher learning" have what authority to re write credentials long after the poor man is serving you tea in the heavenly ghostly mansion? We'll soon run out of letters in the alphabet to identify gender preferences, a "Bat-brain" would become
    *Ba* ? Here's a case of a Prof. who was "at odds" with her employer.
    Regardless of how you or I may choose to see our gender ID, not for narcissistic reasons of course, we still need a man and womb-man to keep humanity going.

    1. And please pardon my assumption you are comfortable with the designation of a Mister. I honestly do not know you, but I choose to assume you are a human being! In the Star Trek galactic sagas even that would be a faux pas. Hey, when space travel encounters aliens, what then with our alphabet soup?

  16. But always 7 hours ahead in Geo Time!
