Monday, August 5, 2024

Man bites dog


Copilot Designer´s take on Dogman!

Let´s have some fun, kids. Darren Naish has written an interesting article/essay on Dogman, a cryptid broadly similar to the Werewolf. He reaches the conclusion that we´re dealing with evolving folklore, not with a real creature (although misidentified bears, hikers or even kangoroos can´t entirely be ruled out). 

The phenomenon really got off the ground during the 21st century and has become a staple of Internet horror (and horrific cryptozoology). Linda Godfrey´s classic "The Beast of Bray Road" was published in 2003. Naish is extremely skeptical of the material. The famed canid beast seems to be inspired by a song played on the local radio on April Fool´s Day in 1987. He also notes a prominent encounter on Halloween (!) 1991. Another source of inspiration might be horror flicks depicting - guess what - werewolves. There seems to be some confusion between the Dogman and Werewolves depicted as bipedal monstrous wolves (rather than as humans shape-shifting into regular wolves). 

One aspect not mentioned by Naish is the observations of "Lobos" by Mexican immigrants at the US-Mexican border. Another thing worth mentioning is how "Finding Bigfoot" tried to explain the Beast of Bray Road as a misidentified Sasquatch! I admit that I find the Dogman phenomenon difficult to take seriously, and as Naish points out, it simply can´t be an unknown flesh-and-blood animal. There is no evidence that canids evolved bipedalism, or even that they can.

So yes, it´s probably fakelore morphing into folklore. Or it´s the fairies, per usual.      

Werewolves in America: The Tale of Dogman 

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