Sunday, August 18, 2024

The ultimate cope


An absurd interpretation of the Book of Revelation, arguing that the millennium was a 40-year period between the ministry of Jesus and the Jewish War (which culminated in the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple). The speaker is evidently a hyper-preterist. This school of thought (also know as full preterism) denies a literal/physical Second Advent of Christ in humanity´s future, rather claiming that Christ "returned" invisibly in AD 70. However, it´s possible that this particular content-creator (who actually calls himself Son of Man) has a somewhat different scenario.

Either way, hyper-preterism must be the ultimate cope or attempt to explain away the delay of the parousia. As for Revelation, here´s what probably happened: a guy named John who was *not* the apostle wrote a crazy apocalypse which may or may not have been about the Jewish War, but already during the 2nd century the real meaning of the book was lost. And for almost 1,900 years Christians have been un-ironically arguing about the real meaning of "John´s" revelations, basing entire eschatological scenarios (and anathemas of other groups) on a scripture nobody actually understands...

I suppose that´s a "revelation" of sorts, yes.



  1. Off topic. De nämner inte en enda gång att han i Sverige ledde Sveiges Revolutionära Arbetarförbund (SRAF)! Istället nämns hur entusiastisk han sedan blev över kapitalismens återupprättande i Polen.

  2. Känner igen namnet, men hade nog inte kunnat placera det. Vad lustigt.
