Tuesday, August 27, 2024

For the record


Since I discussed Tulsi Gabbard before, I might as well link to this clip. I haven´t really watched it. It´s interesting to note that, say, Alt-Right personality Mike Cernovich "predicted" this already in 2016, since he described Gabbard as a "centrist populist" already at a time when she was officially a left-leaning Democrat!

Oh, and then there´s this...

The fall of the House of Harris


  1. Skulle det här ha hänt nyligen? När är klippet från? Hon kallar konsekvent Trump för "president".

  2. Igår, tror jag. I USA är det kutym att titulera även ex-presidenter "president", så det är inget konstigt i sig. Däremot låter det mer inflammerat att göra det med Trump, eftersom det kan tolkas som att han fortfarande är/borde vara president (alltså att det var valfusk 2020).

  3. Yes it is customary to refer to an ex-president as Mr. President. Obviously she's shilling for some sort of position in Trump's administration should he win a second term. Since Trump has called American soldiers who died on D-Day "suckers and losers", this is his campaign's attempt to whitewash his unsupportive stance on US military veterans. He no more cares about them than he does an empty bottle of ketchup!

    Tulsi Gabbard? https://www.thedailybeast.com/tulsi-gabbard-completes-maga-makeover-by-endorsing-donald-trump

    Afghan accords? Trump signed the deal to withdraw before Biden was elected. When Biden showed up for his tenure, he had to clean up not only the Covid mess, but the Afghan withdrawal.


    1. And on and on and on...when will the world finally be rid of this clown? Asking for a friend....

    2. sorry, one more!

    3. Obviously my click-finger is on steroids!
      Liar-In-Chief https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-picked-worst-possible-spot-061822289.html

  4. I find it peculiar that Gabbard has shifted political allegiance so often: mainline Democrat, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Donald Trump - with her own quixotic political campaign in 2019-2020. Since both Gabbard and her entire family are members of Science of Identity, a controversial New Religious Movement based on Hawaii, one wonders if this group is using her to sneak around DC and sniff out potential support for whatever their agenda is?

    1. Quite possibly so. And her very name is from Hindi, yes? And she was eventually promoted to rank of Lieutenant Colonel in an Army Reserve Unit. So she's been all over the place. One wonders why she disdains Kamala so strongly-imagine that ticket, Kamala Harris-Tulsi Gabbard.

    2. It might be because i am an aspie, but i didnt realise Harris have a drinking problem until i recently had it pointed out to me.
      will media cover up this just as they did with Bidens dementia?
      Anyway, i think Gabbard would almost die of frustration if she teamed up with
      "Americas wine mom".

    3. Yah, grown men calling Kamala a retard is a good look! ;-}

  5. https://ashtarbookblog.blogspot.com/2023/06/deconstructing-tulsi-gabbard.html
