Monday, August 12, 2024

Under a transparent sky


I´m a naïve realist. So come right at me, LOL. I´m a naïve realist precisely because I distrust metaphysics. For what is Kant´s speculations about "the thing in itself" we-can-never-ever-experience if not metaphysics? 

And no, the fact that the sky isn´t really blue doesn´t disprove my point. Yes, I know that the sky is transparent. But how do *you* known that? If the thing-in-itself is unknowable, then you can´t know whether or not it´s transparent either. Or whether it´s even "there" in the first place...

That our senses are imperfect doesn´t disprove naïve realism. It simply means that we have partial but real knowledge of the world. 

But more follows from this. In order for the mind to have (metaphysically) "unmediated" access to an external world, the mind must itself be part of this world. If so, our deepest intuitions of meaning and purpose must be true - since they, too, are part of the world we are inhabiting. 

Naïve realism leads to panpsychism, teleology...and beyond.


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