Friday, August 9, 2024

Last generation


I only watched about ten minutes of this German documentary, and probably won´t watch more of it. Watch it yourselves at your leisure.

The real reason why "we" won´t stop climate change isn´t human psychology, fossil fuel company lobbying or capitalism. It´s that *no alternative to fossil fuels exist if we want to keep modern society going*. Read that again, slowly. This is true regardless of whether the system is capitalist or socialist. Or do you think East Germany was a Green paradise under Comrade Bahro? LOL. 

From the above follows that *nothing* will be done (apart from the usual fake BS)...until massive geoengineering of the atmosphere is the only option left. Or perhaps nothing will be done at all. 

There, solved the conundrum for you. Now, please move on. 

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