Saturday, August 24, 2024

Told you so


Sicilian history nerd "The Metatron" discusses whether or not female warriors existed in ancient times, based on ancient sources and archeology. He reaches the conclusion that most such warriors were mythological, fought under extraordinary conditions, or weren´t really warriors but female rulers (not the same thing). 

However, one ethnic group does stand out: Scythians and their subgroup the Sarmatians. *They* had female warriors. This is confimed by both written sources and archeological digs, so it´s a settled question. Especially significant is the female "Roman" soldier found in Britain, probably a Sarmatian. It´s *very* unlikely that she was buried as a soldier for purely symbolic reasons, if he she was just the in-keeper...

No surprise there.

The Metatron ends by pointing out that there were also female warriors in Africa, but says very little about this. Maybe next time?  


  1. I have followed Metatron for a long time. His demolitions of afro-centrists are legendary:
    Also like his nerdy stuff with old weapons, sometimes of the most unusual kind:

  2. Ska kolla. Har kollat på hans videor till och från.

  3. Intressant video, faktiskt. Den om afro-centrism.

  4. Antar att klippet med lyktskölden bara tilltalar gamla rollspels-autister som mig.
