Monday, August 26, 2024

Ray-finned body


So I searched for scholarly papers on "the rainbow body", a concept within Tibetan Buddhism. I got 5,800 hits! Which sounded kind of fantastic. 


It turns out that most of them are fairly technical papers on - wait for it - rainbow trout?! But yeah, I suppose this particular bony fish may have an, ahem, rainbow body...

One of the papers about the fish does have a title that sounds almost Tantric: "The Kármán gait: novel body kinematics of rainbow trout swimming in a vortex street". 

But no, I haven´t read it.  

1 comment:

  1. Reninds of a very new agey diet i tried a long time ago, "The rainbow diet". A regimen of only raw fruit, vegetables, nuts and legumes. You should eat food with as many colors as possible(actually some scientific support for that), but you should also eat respective colour matched to the suns intensity. For example tomatoes in the early dawn, oranges at noon, legumes in afternoon etc.
    The whole book was littered with not to precise new agey references to tibetan buddhism, old testamenta and this or that indian guru.
    cant believe i even tried that crap. The energy of youth gives you endurance to do the dumbest things
