Sunday, August 25, 2024

Enchanted, Mr Keel


If you believe these kinds of stories, they are obviously fairies, not "aliens". Everything fits with the fairy and their glamor (and awkwardness) from folklore. The first story even ends with the "aliens" walking into the woods?! Note also their propensity for kidnapping innocent little children. 

Thus, the "non-human encounters" are with entities who have been on Earth FOR MILLIONS OF YEARS. If you think that´s possible. Nobody from the outside has ever reached this rock, and nobody will ever leave it. 

Welcome home, John.   


  1. Även om de omtalade mötena med påstådda utomjordingar egentligen var möten med fairies bevisar det ju inte att utomjordingar aldrig har besökt jorden. Det är två helt olika frågor.

    Erik R

  2. Det stämmer, men om många av vittnesmålen liknar fairies (eller folklore...eller filmer) blir man ju lite fundersam...
