Monday, August 12, 2024

Athens and Jerusalem


I kind of agree with both Marcion and Tertullian. To claim that this world was created by God is to insult God. But to claim that this world *wasn´t* created by God is also to insult God... 


  1. In my humble opinion God shouldnt be insulted by whatever. Its like with my cats, one of them seems to think i create the weather and meows in frustration at me when its too cold or whatever so he comes back inside. The other one is more zen-like with the weather and appreciate to be inside during rain storms .
    Both atitudes are kind of charming. So in conclusion, God should be more like me and appreciate whatever atitudes his critters have about what he is capable of.

  2. My prayers resulted in this response:
    "God is pretty busy right now, care to leave a message?"
    Me: "Um, how come? Where is God now?"
    "Pretty busy, as we said, something about the birthing of galaxies and things of that nature. Travels through the cosmic web, stopping at Alcyoneus for a breather, just the usual busy stuff. Come back later on, OK?"
    Me: "Um, OK, sounds like keeping the known and unknown universes up and running is quite a task! And to think God cares about this little sliver of the Milky Way and the creatures on this blue planet after all that! I'm impressed and, well, grateful! Hello? Hello? Are you there?"
    Then I had an AHA! moment:


  3. "We are star stuff". God is certainly a busy guy! Or gal?
