Thursday, August 15, 2024

Dystopia and oblivion


Credit: Jesper Rautell Balle 

I linked to these articles previously, but I kind of feel like linking to them again. Blackpilled, much?

An unfamiliar world

Missing but wanted: Children


  1. Another good look at the situation. Children seen as "inconvenient obstacles to self-realization and careers outside of the home" applies to both sexes though. What we used to call "Yuppies" here, young upwardly mobile professionals or DINKS, double income no kids. If there are kids among that strata it's one or two at most.

  2. We're talking about humans populating the Earth and the ecological ramifications; but who says the Earth needs humans? When we declared ourselves as the "crown of creation" we really stepped in it.
    Sorry humans, you're no longer needed. Meanwhile, who hasn't felt the need/desire to copulate and perchance replicate oneself? One can only hope movements like AODA remain for future generations.


    From John Michael Greer:

    "Thus I conclude that, baffling though it seems, the current situation is here for a reason and will end when the Earth decides we’ve done whatever she wants us to do. It may be that she’s tired of ice ages and wanted to evolve some animals who were good at digging, to get some of that buried carbon back into circulation — and no, I’m not being facetious."

    1. I have heard "Nature uses man as a shovel to dig" and "tossed like fleas off a dog's back when he gets tired of them" when usefulness is suspended.
