Saturday, August 10, 2024

Corona Mindset?

Noah Lyles
Credit: Erik van Leeuwen


Noah Lyles won the bronze medal at the men´s 200 metres, despite testing positive for COVID. So does that make him a superspreader or a superman? Quite the performance, in any case! 

1 comment:

  1. Its likely another case of God knows how many cases of too many magnifications in the test.
    Anyone can test positive for almost any virus if the test is "over sensitive".

    The inventor of the test method himself even argued that it shouldnt be used for clinical testing for that reason. Ok, he was a bit of a character, claiming HIV doesnt cause AIDS and some other wild ideas, but he might have a point about the test method being way more prone to error than than most people in the industry admit.
    A shame he died a year before the first covid wave.
