Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Sheikh Hasina has the floor


Sheikh Hasina claims in her first statement from the Indian exile that the United States orchestrated her overthrow. My impression is that her government tried to maintain good relations with both China and India, and that the pro-Chinese connection angered the Americans. 

There are also various conspiracy theories floating around, such as Hasina´s claim that the United States wants to create a "Christian state" on territory poached from both Muslim Bangladesh and Buddhist Myanmar! 

The article linked below also mention Indian claims that the protests against Hasina were organized by China to pull Bangladesh out of India´s orbit, but that seems very unlikely. The new figurehead leader, Muhammad Yunus, strikes me as the centrist-liberal-globalist type. 

To be continued? 

Sheikh Hasina accuses the United States of overthrowing her


  1. The claim about a "Christian state" on the border could be a reference to this:



  2. https://ashtarbookblog.blogspot.com/2018/09/chittagong-chanting.html

    The CHT is mostly Buddhist and animist, but some Christians apparently live there, too. The nationalist conflicts in these parts of the world are virtually intractable!

  3. The charge that the US want to create a breakaway state in the area is probably bogus, and perhaps based on the presence of American Christian missionaries. The US is still strong enough to install a pro-US government in all of Bangladesh...or so they imagine, at any rate!

  4. Imagine what stuff I´m brooding over at 4:46 AM local time...

  5. Men eftersom det var stora demonstrationer på gatorna, som i sin tur möttes av brutalt våld, vilket skapade än större demonstrationer, måste det ju ha funnits ett stort folkligt missnöje. Det kan ju inte finnas så många agenter att de själva kunde genomföra massdemonstrationer. Det påminner ju lite om när tidigare fall, när exempelvis olika stalinistregimer brukade avfärda massrörelser riktade mot dem som "en handfull", eller "en liten klick", av agenter.

    Erik R

    Erik R

  6. Det ena motsäger ju inte det andra. Både högern (BNP) och islamisterna stödjer protesterna, så USA (som uppenbarligen krävt fria val i landet) kan ju ha utnyttjat öppningen till att bli av med Hasina, vars parti Awami League (på svenska ibland Awamiförbundet) brukar betecknas som vänster eller sekulära nationalister.

  7. https://www.socialisterna.org/bangladesh-politisk-revolution-faller-ytterligare-en-despot/
