Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Yuge but not amazing


The Vitruvian Man...again!

Always wondered why the top "Skeptic" cop in the US (and the world?) was a showman rather than, say, a scientist or philosopher. The link below goes to a republished 2020 article about James Randi. And yes, it´s...skeptical. 


  1. Off topic. Men viktigt i sig.

  2. Verkliga problem kan ju "överdrivas" (så att säga) och bli delar av konspirationsteorier. Många konspirationsteorier är uppbyggda som en trappa, med ett stort skutt någonstans i mitten. Att den amerikanska eliten tystar ned pedofila övergrepp är ju i princip bevisat p,g.a. Epstein. Sedan kan man lägga till hemliga nätverk - vilket också måste finnas. Men sedan "hoppar" man...till bokstavliga rymdvarelser, Trump är Guds utvalde som bekämpar detta, och så vidare. Ironiskt nog kan man inte utesluta att de verkliga konspiratörerna utnyttjar att så många letar på fel ställen och har så tokiga åsikter att de kan miskrediteras....

  3. I think most people, self included, have had precognitions, or "been here before" type of sudden recognition of events. Trouble is, they cannot be repeated at a moment's notice and so fall out of scientific review. Once, driving down a broad roadway I came upon an cross intersection, and a voice in my head said "slow down, that car will turn right in front of you." I did, and the car turned right in front of me. If I had maintained speed it would have been a mess of a car wreck.

    1. Was it really like a voice or just a sudden urge to slow down? A boring materialist explanation could go something like this:
      You have drived a lot. During driving you have noticed patterns in other drivers. Many of them are stored conciously, some of them subconciously. In this case, a subconciously memorised pattern gave you the life saving urge to slow down.
      Its a bit like blocking strikes in martial arts. Theoretically, sucessfully blocking a punch should be very rare because action is faster than reaction, yet boxers etc sucessfully block good seemingly non telegraphed punches all the time.They can do this because in sparring they pick up subtle changes in their opponents movements just before a punch is thrown.
      That being said, it doesnt exclude the possibility of super natural traffic deja vus. And then there are lots of other kinds of deja vus where the subconcious pattern recognition theory seems very irrelevant.

    2. I see your point, and it was years ago so my recall has been shaped by time. Not a voice as in " Hello! anybody home?" in my ear but more like an idea/suggestion that arose spontaneously as if a "voice in my head". It was a wide 4 lane road, 40 mph limit (about 65 kph) and we were at speed. So it very well could be a "life saving urge to slow down" as you suggest, due to subconscious reflexes. But a premonition of what could have been as well. Surely Erik you have had the deja vu experience, Ja?

    3. And further, the woman could have not turned in front of me, and so I would have no story to tell!

    4. Im not Erik, just some "alt-leftist"' with an interest in the supernatural. But i can answer anyway.
      In my childhood i had lots of Deja Vus with both people and places. The thing is, as adults, me and my brother had revealed to us that our maternal grandparents adopted our mother from an orphanage in Sweden.
      I suspect there is such a thing as "blood memory" becausee i have memories back to kindergarten-age of recognising people i had never met before. Some of them i even talked to. I suspect these people were distant biological relatives. Also had strange hang ups on places that shouldnt mean anything to me.
      Recently did some research in the fates of my biological maternal grandparents(for my mother its a total taboo)..
      And holy crap, i feel so sorry for them. its very sad and at times violent stuff.Especially my poor grandmother were subjected to the gravtest of injustices and abuse before she died way to young. Makes me wanna go and piss on the graves of the perpetrators .
      But i got a bit far away from the main subject now .

    5. My bad, alt-lefter Hugge! (translates as Chop) My mother was adopted as well in 1929. Tracing lineage showed me the German-Dutch side of my heritage. And I actually met an older cousin, surnamed Henneinke, a few score miles to the south of Chicago. We had similar forehead lines! (frown lines?) And he had some recollections of my mother's natal mother, but the family never knew she went to a safe place/out of wedlock mothers refuge sort of thing to place her child into adoption. One never discussed such things back then, especially in a strict paternalistic household.
      Someone once said the best revenge is to live your life well.
      Still, I have a younger sister. Anybody that hurts her will have Hell to pay!

    6. I suppose "Hugge" could mean "someone who chops" in Swedish but i took the name from a hilarious and very naughty danish parody of the "Calvin and Hobbes" comic, called "Balle och Hugge".

    7. That thing about not talking about "such things" was the general attitude back then. Even among my mothers adoptive grand parents who werent very strict at all, and basically very nice people.

    8. I'll have to look for the Danish parody of Calvin and Hobbs, Balle och Hugge doesn't translate with google in either language. Good to chat with you Mr. Hugge!

    9. Steen and Stoffer is not the parody, just the original comic translated. The web seems totalt sanitized from the parody. Probably due to copy right claims. Not suprising since the parody basically looked exactly like the original.
      However, Calvins pranks were way more brutal in the parody. In one episode he plays star trek and pretends to kill two alien monsters with a las gun during their mating ritual.
      The "monsters" are his babysitter and her boyfriend fornicating in the living room. The "las gun" is an exposed electrical cord, carefully applied after a surprise attack with water balloons. Calvins parents arrive home just in time to see the electrocution.

  4. That´s my "premonition" too. These phenomena don´t just show up on schedule, they are affected by psychic fatigue whatever, so Skeptics (TM) just dismiss them since they can´t be "repeated in a laboratory test" (although they clearly are "repeated" across time). Also, there is no "mechanism" for how they can take place at all - a weird demand for a claim about the paranormal. I mean, of course there is no "mechanism", that´s because the phenomenon isn´t mechanical to begin with! This conflict will never be solved as long as materialist science holds sway. Or ever. So those in the know will have to pursue esoteric knowledge and mysticism elsewhere...

  5. And even if one is in contact with *what Is*, the flurry of events being generated are not at all contingent on what we *do* but perhaps our attempt to tune in may be the generator; we are "taken for a ride" destination unknown.
