Saturday, August 24, 2024

Deep fake confirmed


Credit: MidJourney (?)

Above is an AI-generated picture of Jesus, based on the Shroud of Turin, which many believe is authentic after the latest round of "tests".

But the picture above, while fascinating, rather suggests the opposite: of course it´s a medieval forgery. Jesus wasn´t assumed to look like this until centuries after his death (and resurrection?). See my blog post "Face Off", which links to a YouTube video on the matter, presented by a scholar.  

True Face of Jesus?


  1. The comments on Breitbart soon reduce to "Oh yeah?" "Yeah!"
    Of course 1) a shroud is not what Jesus was wrapped in 2) the AI generated image has no validity at all since it is "artificial" 3) Jesus was Middle Eastern not white Euro blah blah blah 4) What the Bible says is absolute truth so STFH! - A course in How to not follow Jesus' teachings. But yeah, guess they need a new "shiny object" to keep the masses underfoot. Oh by the way, a pop up ad says Trump will win by a historic landslide and his first 100 days will be like the second coming! Or something to that effect.

  2. Never managed to access their comments section. Waiting for the debunkers to sink their teeth into this one. For once!

  3. Are only Catholics doing this? Or Protestants as well? Shouldn´t Protestants be skeptical of medieval Catholic relics?


