Monday, July 31, 2023

The necessity of woo


After watching a serious science documentary arguing that a certain Charles R Darwin was (of course) right, I decided to take a deep plunge into the strange but wonderful world of Thomas Sheridan, the Irish Typhonic occultist. 

The Second Religiosity is upon us, and so is the dark flood of "woo", something Sheridan considers necessary to re-enchant the world. H P Lovecraft and H R Giger are mentioned in this relatively short presentation. 

Sheridan speculates that many fossils are really pieces of ancient machines (think xenomorphs or trans-humanism) and that horseshoe crabs are something similar. Maybe a civilization in the incredibly distant past intelligently designed some of these creatures? 

Somehow, I doubt it, and if you know your Lovecraft by heart, you´ll be careful what you wish for...for what if THEY actually *do* "re-enchant" the world?

The atheist-materialist universe does feel more safe...  

But Darwin was right


Credit: Thomas Schoch 

"L´abominable mystère des fleurs" (The Abominable Mystery of Flowers) is a French nature documentary. The title is apparently a reference to a statement by Charles Darwin, who considered the fast evolution of flowering plants to be a serious problem for his theory. It´s therefore somewhat piquant that one of the scientists featured is named Sarah Darwin. And yes, she really is a descendant of Charles Robert!

The docu takes us to a literally blooming desert in Namibia, an 800-year young (and very bizarre) Welwitschia plant (also in Namibia), the French Alps and assorted laboratories. On the main island of New Caledonia, the scientists pluck an Amborella, the only species left of the oldest flowering plant lineage in Earth history (or something to that effect).

The evolution of flowering plants was clearly stimulated by insect pollinators, and geographical isolation can speed up speciation. 

But somehow, we knew that already. More intriguing is the research done on the Welwitschia plant, which is a gymnosperm. Presumably, the flowering plants (angiosperms) must have evolved from gymnosperms. And indeed, the Welwitschia turns out to have a kind of pseudo-flowers which are genetically similar to the real thing! Is this an actual "transitional form" still around today?

It seems Charles Darwin was right, after all. Next week: Einstein right, too? 



Co-incidentia oppositorum


Credit: Musical Linguist

Clas Svahn is a Swedish writer of books about the unexplained and paranormal, albeit often with a somewhat more skeptical slant than usual in that line of business. "Osannolikt: Märkliga möten och fantastiska sammanträffanden" was published in 2013 and isn´t one of his best. It´s an eclectic hodge-podge of...well, everything really, but I suppose a Fortean writer could get away with it by claiming that he is merely emulating Charles Fort! If there is any order in this book, it´s probably by co-incidence. OK, that was a pun on the book´s title, which in English would be "Unlikely: Strange encounters and fantastic co-incidences". 

Personal anecdotes told to the author (who works at a major daily newspaper) dominate, but he also discusses Carl Jung´s ideas about "synchronicity", Paul Kammerer´s speculations about the same, and various skeptical attempts to debunk the idea that co-incidences are mysterious rather than just the work of chance. An entire chapter is devoted to an interview with a Swedish scholar of statistics. And yes, Monsieur de Fontgibu and his plum pudding make a guest appearence. So do Nostradamus, Swedish seer Anton Johansson, and science fiction writer Jules Verne. 

While Svahn is honestly fascinated by the topic, he nevertheless veers strongly towards skepticism. Apart from chance, other mundane explanations suggest themselves. For instance, that extroverts have more "chance meetings" than introverts - obviously, since an extroverted connoisseur of Fortean plum puddings is more likely to encounter another one of the same ilk! Also obvious is that people who are highly impulsive and aggressive often have "bad luck" (especially in traffic). And in an era of rapid transit and internet, the number of "friends of friends" between you and anyone else in the world is rapidly getting smaller (especially on Facebook). 

Some of the anecdotes are extremely funny, for instance that a former president of the Swedish "car drivers association against drunken driving" was named Benny Ruus (in Swedish, "rusdryck" is an old word for alcohol) or that a police officer in charge of a fraud squad was named Alf Ärligh ("ärlig" meaning honest). Or what about a guy named Falk (Falcon) who once saved a hawk? 

With that little reflection, I leave you for now. 

Just ask Ganapati


So I did “my own research” on the somewhat peculiar question “how do I find my ishta-devata”, i.e. my very own personal deity I´m supposed to worship constantly (as in saying its mantra 108 times a day). Here are some of the suggestions I came across, both the good, the bad and the somewhat ugly!

Meditate on your highest spiritual ideal. Is it renunciation or ecstatic love? Do you see God as a friend, a child, a lover or a mother?

Study the mythology associated with various deities, learn the meaning of their symbols, look at their pictures.

Find your ishta-mantra. Are some mantras especially appealing to you?

The guru gives you an ishta-devata. Often in the form of a tangible vision.

Make an arbitrary choice! See if it works.

Choose a “kula-deva”, a deity already worshipped within your family.

Ask Ganapati (Ganesha) and offer him sweets. Maybe he´ll tell you!

Ask some other deity.

Check your horoscope according to Vedic astrology.

The last option can be done within minutes on the web with the help of an ishta-devata calculator. I used two such calculators, and got two entirely different answers?! Complete fake, in other words. Maybe I´ll just ask Ganapati…

Nish the Fish


I recently discovered this channel on YouTube. Still exploring it. Nish the Fish seems to be associated with the Ramakrishna Mission, but also practices Kashmiri Shaivism. 

In this clip, he discusses “who can worship Kali”. Or other controversial Hindu deities: Bhairava, Shiva in his Nataraja form, or Gopala (a mischievous and/or erotic form of Krishna as a child). 

The short story is that you can worship any deity you chose in an informal bhakti manner, but formal Tantric puja requires initiation by a qualified guru. I suppose there is some spiritual truth in this: compare priests presiding over mass in Christianity, which requires actually being ordained (a kind of “initiation” in sacramental Churches), while anyone can pray the rosary, sing devotional hymns, and so on.

Still haven´t found the video in which he explains what god/goddess to worship in the first place!

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Marriage advice


Edward Dutton as marriage counselor? Here, he explains how to discover if the girl of your dreams might be a "spiteful mutant" (and hence best avoided). Clue: if she has left-wing political views, is ugly and have ugly sisters or parents, she´s probably a mutant. 

A weird Twitter meme


>>>The year is 2028. >>>Meghan Markle is running for president as a Woke Neoreactionary. >>>Her platform: Scrap the constitution (1619 project), landback, eco-fascism, and restoration of monarchy as the solution to America's woes. >>>MANY people will support her.

Original tweet

Dead as a Leguatia


Credit: savi.odl

A fascinating tale (and tall tale?) about a supposed mega-sized rail (rallid bird) at the island of Mauritius. Probably a misidentified flamingo...but then, that flamingoes once roamed this island was unknown until recently! So it´s still kind of a true cryptid story...

The Enigma of Leguatia

A diet of worms


*Should* scientists be regulated by the Catholic Church, or what?!

We have met the enemy and...he is us

I don´t usually quote Richard Spencer, once dubbed Amerika´s most dangerous Nazi, but he may have a point here. We have met the enemy, and guess what? He´s us!

>>>I don't think AI will kill us physically, in any of the apocalyptic, Hollywood-fantasy ways that people imagine.

>>>I do accept that AI will destroy a great deal of information work that currently employs millions of people; the impact of that remains to be seen. >>>The real AI threat is to culture and art. >>>It is now easy to imagine billions of people entertained unto death, perhaps with VR goggles, with "culture" that is algorithmically designed to hit pleasure centers, but which is utterly vacuous, lacking meaning, myth, narrative, insight, and passion. The girl eating digital hotdogs on TikTok for money is the real image of technological domination, more than any evil nanobot or an AI-generated nuclear war. >>>We have programed the AI, and the AI is programmed to serve us. We are thus the problem. The problem of technology is a problem of the human psyche.

Original tweet



Apparently, Medvedev is threatening Ukraine and the West with nuclear weapons again...

Swedish Secret Service


I didn´t know the Swedish pop band Secret Service still existed, and I certainly didn´t know they had made a pro-Ukrainian video!

Although I have to say that the propaganda angle is perhaps a *bit* too obvious...

The best promotion of a cause is a more subtle one.

Vad var det jag sa? Del 7000


Muslimsk bild av Muhammad och Gabriel
med ansiktena fullt synliga.

Undersökningen nedan bekräftar att organiserade muslimer i Sverige vill förbjuda *all* kritik av islam. Ett argument som används för att motivera förbud mot koranbränningar är att det vore "naivt" att tro att Sverige kan uppfostra "en miljard muslimer" till att förstå hur svensk yttrandefrihet fungerar. Men det verkar vara väldigt svårt att "uppfostra" även muslimer som *bor och verkar i Sverige* om detta! 

Från artikeln: "Ett stort antal svenska moskéer uppger till Doku att de vill ha ett förbud inte bara mot koranbränning utan mot alla handlingar som skändar, provocerar och förolämpar islams och muslimers symboler och heliga värderingar."

Svenska moskéer vill ha ett totalt kränkningsförbud

Se även här:

Koranbränningsförbudsförespråkarnas ohederlighet

En flykting Aftonbladet vill kasta ut?

Credit: Hans Ollermann 

Det här är tydligen helt okontroversiellt... 

Måste vara första gången någonsin Aftonbladet de facto stödjer ett indraget uppehållstillstånd. Vill de att mannen ska halshuggas av fanatiserade shia-muslimer i Irak? För att, ja, jag vet inte, underlätta NATO-ansökan or something...

Koranbrännares uppehållstillstånd omprövas

Friday, July 28, 2023

Wish me luck, guys


I have to go down to Stockholm this weekend for a necessary appointment. Right in the middle of a terror scare. Or actual elevated terror threat.

Just marvelous, wouldn´t you say? Right in the middle of the summer holidays, to boot! 

Wish me luck, guys. Will hopefully sign in again on Monday... 

Verily food


Credit: birdphoto

"Geezus, give me some slack here, I´m just hungry after spending 20 years underground as a larvae or whatever, but suddenly everyone thinks I´m the harbinger of the apocalypse or something. I never met that guy Elder John or whatever you call him." 

"Besides, it´s not my fault that you grow so much food at enormous agricultural fields, of course me and my 10 million buddies will indulge ourselves. Before you started growing crops, *we* were *your* food, but it seems the tables have turned (pun intended). Still, don´t point your fingers at me, file your complaints with the UN Food Departement or something."

"But sure, that global warming thing will probably delay my second coming with 2000 years or something. So you can have your overheated tobacco plants all to yourselves. And no chocolate-dipped grasshoppers for breakfast!" 

The fallen cicadas


Our favorite long-term troll Anointed Ashley doesn´t seem particularly worried about the Apocalypse starting about two weeks from now. 

Oh, and cicadas have a very long and peculiar life cycle (which is why you don´t see them for a long time). There is nothing strange about the cicada in Ashley´s back yard, and they are not closely related to locusts...

In another clip, she claims that the Nephilim will appear in October, perhaps next year, so something tells me she is already preparing to continue trolling beyond the August Apocalypse!

Bränn ner socialtjänsten

Credit: Roy Lindman

I själva verket en protest mot socialtjänsten. Från en pursvensk. Dock oklart från vilket perspektiv...

"Torabränning var PR-kupp"

Orangutan Mindset?


An assortement of orangs. The one that knows how to use sunglasses is...somewhat scary!

Mass hysteria or black op?


In 1994, a UFO landed outside an upper class private school and warned the kids about a future climate crisis. Telephatically, the children saw huge forest fires and boiling oceans.

And no, it wasn´t in the United States (or in Sweden - Greta Thunberg wasn´t born yet). It was in Zimbabwe! The Why Files (link above) tells the story. 

But did it actually happened? Something clearly did, but was it mass hysteria, a weird prank, or some kind of op? The skeptic explanation (link below) does sound likely...unless, of course, the "aliens" were really fairies who could make themselves invisible to most of the potential eye witnesses.

And in this particular case, their apocalyptic prophecies actually came to pass! Look around you, skipper, what do you see? 

The 1994 Ruwa Zimbabwe Alien Encounter

Aftonbladet passerar en gräns

Credit: Montecruz Foto 

Ska vi utvisa PKK-medlemmar till Turkiet också, Susanna? Och hur var det nu med Erdogans krypande för Putin? 

"Kristersson måste göra sig av med Jomshof"

När Ali blev Charlie

En intressant historia...

Observera förresten att "Charlie" kan tolkas som en förolämpning av vietnameser! Lite ironiskt med tanke på sammanhanget. 

Pakistan rasade - då bytte kungen namn på hunden

Here I must stand

Not exactly Jesus

Some reflections on Christianity and related topics.

When I started searching for an alternative to atheism-materialism almost 20 years, I considered generic Christianity to be one of the most sympathetic religions. The idea that God loves and saves humanity despite us still being sinners certainly sounds better (and more radical, or radically loving) than the notion that humans must *do* something (“works”) to earn God´s salvation. I originally assumed that Hindu bhakti and Pure Land Buddhism had the same trait, but with the exception of certain forms of the latter, that doesn´t seem to be the case. Here, too, you have to earn your “grace” (!) by carrying out certain rituals, avoid beef, do yoga, or whatever.

Thus, the “populist” streak in Christianity, best expressed in certain forms of Protestantism, was immensely attractive. So was the idea of the substitutionary atonement, in which God becomes a human, and voluntarily sacrifices himself in order to cleanse us (and the entire universe) from negative karma. In other religions, it´s always the believer that has to sacrifice himself (or herself), indeed, the symbolically dying and resurrecting *human* might be the oldest archetype in the world. In other words, other religions are really for a spiritual elite, not for Everyman.

Another trait I found attractive was the personal or “personalist” character of the Christian God. The idea of an impersonal “god” sounds like atheist materialism – a kind of “spiritualized” materialism, but still basically the same thing. What on earth is the point of taking up a religion if you´re still alone, and now in a universe that´s *even vaster* than the materialist one? I suppose the possibility of Love is another attractive feature of a personal god, although not one I was that interested in 20 years ago.

Of course, a closer study of Christianity and the Bible clearly reveals that the Christian religion simply can´t be true as literally stated. Indeed, it´s not even clear whether Jesus was a real historical person to begin with! If he was, his real message was probably more "Jewish" than "Christian". Which doesn´t help much, since the Hebrew scriptures aren´t particularly trustworthy either. It might not even be desirable that Christianity is true. While some passages in the NT sound Inclusivist, and a few might even be massaged into sounding Universalist, there is also a very strong and clear Exclusivist streak present. Not to mention a preoccupation with revenge, on both unbelievers (principally Jews) and "false" Christians. In other words, a new form of elitism. 

The moral advice given is bizarre, ranging from the non-resistance to evil of the Sermon on the Mount to the retrospective support for the Canaanite genocide in Stephen´s speech. The preoccupation with martyrdom present already in early Church tradition also strikes me as weird, since the only thing Christians had to do to avoid being killed was to pledge formal allegiance to the Empire by "sacrificing" to the genius of the emperor. Many religious groups use dissimulation in such situations, so why not the Christians? 

But the main argument against any of it being true are the failed apocalyptic prophecies in the NT, not only those put in the mouth of Jesus (which contradict each other), but also those of Paul and John (in so far as Revelation can be decoded at all). These prophecies show that early Christianity was just another apocalyptic sect of the kind that have been common in the Axial Age. And once that background is realized, pretty much everything changes...

I have no idea what the alternative might be to any of the above, except to say that no religious tradition I´m aware of suits me as a person...or seems to be true at all. But then, atheism-materialism doesn´t seem true either. Even apart from being unsufferable on other grounds. 

"Here I must stand, and can do no other". 


Thursday, July 27, 2023

Formativa dagar

Rödgröna rasar mot Lars Vilks och Charlie Hebdo...nej, vänta...Salman Rushdie måste det ju vara. 

Apropå något helt annat: Intressant hur "NATO-landet" Turkiet (om även vill in i EU) deltar i hetsen mot Sverige, istället för att stå upp för en blivande allierad i kampen mot Ryssland och islamistisk terrorism...

Sure wonder why?

Tyvärr är det ganska uppenbart hur detta kommer att sluta: islamister kommer att genomföra ett antal terrordåd i Sverige, de rödgröna skyller det inträffade på SD, och sedan inskränker rödgröna och blå tillsammans vår yttrandefrihet. Genom att uttryckligen förbjuda "skändningar" av just Koranen. Alltså precis det terroristerna och deras nyttiga idioter vill. 

Och sedan kommer nya krav på det fega lilla dhimmi-landet Sverige. Den här gången ska läroplanen ändras också. Och "förolämpningar" av Muhammad kriminaliseras (inklusive att visa vanliga bilder av honom). Annars blir det kravaller. Och nya terrordåd.

Och Erdogan kommer förstås att fortsätta spela under täcket med både IS och Putin. Som han alltid gjort. Och om kriget i Ukraina dessutom slutar i fiasko för västalliansen kommer alla eftergifter att vara förgäves ändå. 

Kommer nog inte att rösta på de rödgröna någonsin mer...

Rödgröna rasar mot Jomshof efter inlägg om islam

Queen of Heaven


Two versions of the medieval Church hymn "Regina caeli".  

The cult of the Catechism


A YouTube clip that perfectly captures the dilemma of current Catholicism. 

The idea that the Pope should be obeyed without question seems somewhat problematic when the Pope is LARP-ing as a wokester, but this "traditional" stalwart apparently believes that Francis must not be questioned under any circumstances. He is, after all, the Pope and anyone who criticizes him is also attacking God and Christ. No less! 

I have to say that I never felt so radically Protestant as when listening to this...


Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Ape to ape


I think we may have finally found "the other primates", LOL.  

How a minority can change society


Both hits and misses in this one, tbh...

Just lock them up


Based and jolly heretic argues that prison works. The point of prison isn´t to "reform" the criminals. It´s to lock them up and get them off the streets so the rest of us can stay safe. The reason? Many criminals are *genetically* primed for such behavior, and so obviously can´t be "reformed". Dutton´s hard line on crime has recently been confirmed in El Salvador, of all places.


What about, say, corrupted politicians, genocidal colonialists or profit-hungry capitalist sharks? Or the odd pro-Russian quasi-populist? Shouldn´t they be locked up too? After all, they too seem rather incorrigible, wouldn´t you say?  

What means "atheism"?


Richard Carrier (a fairly radical atheist-materialist himself) is on to something here. I complained about this before, but…here we go again! :D

On social media, atheists often claim that atheism is “merely a lack of belief”, specifically a mere lack of belief in “God or gods”. They even say that atheism is a worldview in the same sense that baldheadedness is a hairstyle! But, as Carrier points out, this simply isn´t so. Even a "lack" of belief is a belief, not as some kind of weird verbal paradox, but very concretely: it´s a belief about why the purported evidences for God don´t hold water. 

Indeed, this is perfectly obvious. Most US atheists are former Christians. How did they lose their erstwhile belief in God? Just as somebody might lose his hair? Not likely. They drew the conclusion (for whatever reason) that there simply isn´t any evidence for the Christian religion and/or the God-concept being true, and perhaps even that there is evidence against. In other words, plenty of "beliefs" are involved here!

But there´s more. Atheists might even claim that "nothing will change" if you simply stop believing in God. All your other beliefs and values will be kept intact, just as they were when you were a God-believer. While this is certainly true in some cases, surveys indicate that at least in the US atheists are more likely to be politically liberal. Based on anecdotal evidence (YouTube atheists), they were often conservative as Christians, and indeed became more liberal as atheists. So in most cases, the claim that "nothing changes" is simply not the case. And, indeed, why *should* it be?

Imagine if a Muslim in a predominantly Muslim nation (say Iran) would suddenly become atheist. Would this be a "mere lack of belief in Allah" (and the Hidden Imam in this particular case) with no particular consequences for his "worldview"? Or his politics? Or, even more aptly, *her* worldview and politics? 


So what´s going on here? Rhetoric, of course. Not analyzed by Mr Carrier. Christian fundamentalists claim that there is a direct connection between atheism and, say, promotion of pornography, sodomy, or what have you (and voting for "the other guy" in a presidential election). To make atheism more appealing, atheists therefore deny this. Also, fundamentalists often claim that atheism (often dubbed "humanism") is a homogenous worldview or even a religion in its own right. The claim that atheism is a mere lack of belief is presumably a way to counter such claims and lessen the impact of becoming an atheist.

It´s not clear why, though, since most YouTube atheists are clearly very, very liberal with very strong, shall we say, "beliefs" in the non-existence of some dudebro named G-d. Who just happens to be the transcendent creator of the entire universe and intensely interested in *your* life, Pamela. Or something to that effect. 

And then there´s the peculiar fact that many a-theists can´t even get their definition of God or gods straight, making it hard to know what exactly it is they lack a belief in...

Who is an atheist?

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Searching for the Mothers


The Carnac stones 
Credit: Steffen Heilfort 

You think you know everything. And then you read “Europas mödrar. De senaste 43 000 åren” and realize that you really didn´t know anything. Anything.At.All. This Swedish book, published last year and written by science reporter Karin Bojs, attempts to summarize the current state of mainline archeological research on the European Stone Age (with some landfalls in the Bronze Age). In translation, the title means “The Mothers of Europe. The last 43,000 years”. The main themes of the book include the role of female labor in Stone Age cultures and (of course) whether or not matriarchy existed, and if so, where patriarchy comes from. Controversial Lithuanian archeologist, the late Marija Gimbutas, plays center stage. Bojs believes that DNA research has vindicated at least some of Gimbutas´ speculations. There is also an undertone of criticism against political correctness in archeology (any political correctness – I assume Bojs is a liberal and Gimbutas was a feminist icon). Bojs believes that objective research into the origins and expansion of the Indo-Europeans has been hampered by some kind of irrational fear of said research being “Nazi”.

Although the book is intended for a mass audience, it covers a lot of ground in little under 300 pages. My main take away from it is that “pre-history” really is a ridiculous term (and so is His-Story). Human history (and herstory) begins at the very least the moment Homo sapiens acquires the ability to speak and communicate through a complex language – which we did already during the Paleolithic. The rest of the so-called Stone Age (in itself a problematic term) includes complex patterns of migrations, cultural interactions and ditto changes. In other words, what we would call “history” if it had happened after the invention of writing.

And speaking of that writing…

Bojs believes that the first writing system might have been invented by the Vinca culture in the Balkans, rather than by Egyptians or Sumerians. The Vinca people also invented metallurgy, yet their culture is weirdly still classified as “Stone Age”. At Carnac in Brittany, a Neolithic culture of megalith-builders apparently had the ability to cross the Bay of Biscay in boats, loaded with 100 tonne stone slabs! The yoke, the plow and the wheel were invented in northern Europe, perhaps in Denmark, rather than in the Middle East. Which doesn´t mean those guys were stupid. At the famed Göbekli Tepe (in today´s Turkey), people were producing ale and porridge in massive quantities, suggesting they must have had agriculture, despite being a hunter and gatherer culture otherwise. That, and they built rather large monuments – Göbekli Tepe itself. The Stone Age has never been so advanced…

DNA research has more or less conclusively proven that the Indo-Europeans really did come from the area north of the Black Sea and then expanded westward into the rest of Europe. Or invaded, if you like that term better. There were several waves of Indo-European expansion. The first one didn´t involve horses, but “only” large cattle herds, overrunning the settlement areas of pre-Indo-European farmers. One reason why the expansion was successful was that “Old Europe” had been devastated by a plague pandemic, presumably depopulating large areas. The old stereotype of Indo-Europeans on horseback (but without chariots) conquering stable Neolithic cultures never sounded very believable, but now we have a more realistic picture.

But what about patriarchy? Marija Gimbutas´ main claim to fame, after all, was the theory that “Old Europe” was matriarchal, and that patriarchy was a foreign imposition of the invading Indo-European hordes. On this point, DNA evidence disproves some of her takes. While it´s true that the Indo-Europeans were indeed strongly patriarchal, patriarchy and class society already existed in Neolithic Europe. It seems to have emerged in northern France, including Carnac in Brittany, where a complex society with a privileged male elite built grandiose tombs for their rulers. They even had implements made of jade! (Apparently, jadeite does exist in Europe. I had no idea.) While the Vinca culture and even the Bronze Age Minoan culture may have been more matriarchal or matrifocal, the megalith-builders weren´t. Patriarchy and hierarchy was further entrenched with the arrival of the Indo-Europeans. DNA studies suggest that while non-IE genetic lineages survived among females, they eventually died out among the males. This suggests that the newcomers monopolized power and resources, making it more likely they would survive and pass on their genes. Note also that the Indo-Europeans often married non-IE females, while the opposite (non-IE males marrying IE females) was presumably extremely rare, suggesting some kind of caste society.

Many other topics are touched upon in this book, too many to go through here: “Neanderthal activism” in the media, the skin color of Paleolithic hunters-gatherers, the myth and reality of the Männerbund, and “the female Viking chief and warrior” recently found at Birka in Sweden (hint: probably not true). Bojs is clearly very well read, at one point even making an oblique reference to “The Arctic Home in the Vedas”! At times, however, her colloquialisms annoy me. But then, the Swedish language in general has been dumbed down and colloquialized lately. The book is still at a much higher level than any tabloid…

Well worth reading, if Swedish happens to be your first language.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Orphic Mysteries: The Worst Idea in Human History?


“The Bad Idea that Took Over the World” is a provocatively titled lecture (or perhaps half of one – I can´t find the other half, though) by James Tabor, a controversial American scholar involved in the turbulence surrounding the so-called James ossuary and the “Jesus family grave”. Think Da Vinci Code meets too-good-to-be-true archeology, and you´re (almost) done! In this presentation, Tabor isn´t *that* controversial on the purely factual level, but on the level of values…well, judge by yourselves.

Tabor points out that neither the ancient Hebrews, Babylonians nor Greeks believed in a paradisiacal other-worldly afterlife, rather holding that all or most people ended their days in gloomy Hades or Sheol. God´s blessings were experienced in *this* life. At some point, this positive view of the material world was replaced by an entirely new worldview in which humans were said to come from a heavenly homeland and be strangers here on earth. This was a pivotal shift in human consciousness, and apparently a very negative one. For some reason, Tabor never uses the term “Axial Age”, perhaps because he sees another radical shift during the Enlightenment (which is presumably still “axial”). Instead, he talks about “Enochian Judaism”, but this term too is something of a misnomer, since the shift – at least in the Mediterranean – rather began with the Orphics and the Orphic mysteries. 

Tabor quotes from golden funerary plates associated with this new cult (associated with Greece but perhaps with Thracian or Egyptian antecedents). He clearly thinks they´re nuts. I find them fascinating! Note the affinities between Orphism and Platonism, Egyptian religion, Gnosticism, or even Freemasonry and Mormonism. Within Judaism, the other-worldly or dualist tendency becomes reworked into the notion of resurrection among Essenes and Pharisees (and of course Christians). Tabor calls it “Enochian”, presumably because Enoch was one of the few characters in the “Old Testament” that is said to have been granted immortality by God. He prefers the Sadducees, who denied the resurrection. Judging by another video on Tabor´s YouTube channel, he believes that the original idea of resurrection was more “spiritual” (some would say astral) than later more “material” versions. This squares with the idea that we´re really leaving this world behind.

It struck me when listening to the lecture that the authors of the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Book of Job in the Bible (and, I suppose, Ecclesiastes) could be seen as disgruntled intellectuals who didn´t like the idea of going down into Hades, but since they didn´t see any alternative, pessimism about the human predicament became their lot. But another thing also struck me: did ordinary Joes before the Axial Age *really* believe they would simply vanish like shadowy specters into a gloomy underworld? I assume at least the pagans had village shamans, magic and cults of ancestors. Almost everyone could presumably become the latter at death, at least if his/her soul was “fed” properly. This is a kind of afterlife, albeit one closely connected to the earthly community. The idea of an immortal soul having to pass divine guardians to a blessed afterlife in Heaven could be a development of the idea of the future shaman´s soul encountering spirit-beings who “tested” him or her.

Be that as it may, I see no particular reason to stay down here with Ben Sirach and the Sadducees, so in my humble opinion, the Orphic scenario really is a new revelation and stunningly good news! 

Sunday, July 23, 2023

The secret of the bards of Thrace


This is your god, panteista


Thank god for the Axial Age. Thank god for Orpheus, who on his golden tablets revealed the secrets of our real origins and the path to our salvation!

If you are a pantheist, animist or animatist, this is your god:

>>>In Spinochordodes tellinii and Paragordius tricuspidatus, which have grasshoppers and crickets as their hosts, the infection acts on the infected host's brain. This causes the host insect to seek water and drown itself, thus returning the nematomorph to water. 

>>>P. tricuspidatus is also remarkably able to survive the predation of their host, being able to wiggle out of the predator that has eaten the host. The nematomorpha parasite affects host Hierodula patellifera´s light-interpreting organs so the host is attracted to horizontally polarized light. Thus the host goes into water and the parasite's lifecycle completes.

Kneel and worship the horsehair worms!  

What the heck...

Is this even true?! So the first fascist organization in Britain was formed by a woman...

Rotha Lintorn-Orman

British Fascists

There is no Celtic race


Some musings from old boy Thomas Sheridan, still going strong as a decidedly non-controlled opposition on YouTube. 

Somewhat surprisingly, he mostly criticizes fringeys and Truthers in these clips. Even more surprisingly, Sheridan (who is Irish and interested in the ancient Druids) denies that "Celts" even is a thing (he might have a point, actually). 

In the second clip, he tries to take a balanced view on conspiracy theories and alternative history. I haven´t double-checked all the claims, but they are interesting. (Another true alternative fact is that most Blacks supported the British during the American War of Independence!)

Could be interesting on a boring summer night, when I write this...

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Yes, you are paranoid


Edward Dutton discusses conspiracy theory and real conspiracies in this surprisingly entertaining clip. 

Yes, there is some evidence (go figure) that people who believe in truly outlandish conspiracy scenarios could indeed be paranoid, schizotypal, narcissistic and/or have low IQ. Dunning Kruger is another factor. But then, just because you´re paranoid doesn´t mean they´re not out to get you, right? 

Indeed, conspiracies do in fact happen, but they tend to be relatively open. Or so Dutton believes. The so-called Round Table around Cecil Rhodes, the Focus Group featuring Winston Churchill, and Tony Blair´s transformation of the Labour Party into New Labour are examples of such. He also mentions Carroll Quigley´s book "Tragedy and Hope". 

Dutton speculates that one reason these facts aren´t more well known is that we don´t want to hear them, since they prove that we *can* change politics our way...provided we are extremely smart and privileged. Which most of us aren´t. Presumably, it´s better to be in denial...or believe in UFOs. 


Allt är en illusion

Nej men titta, Illustrerad Vetenskap publicerar artiklar som åtminstone implicit förnekar Big Bang...

Universums expansion kan vara en illusion 

Universum kan vara dubbelt så gammalt som vi har trott

The way of the serpent


Why are so many religious believers opposed to the very notion of evolution? I mean, look around you, shit changin´ all the time!

Jokes aside, I´m sure there are a dozen different reasons. One is probably the misunderstanding (common among pop evolutionists themselves) that evolution means “progress” rather than simply change. This notion also pops up among the scientists themselves, probably because it´s difficult – though by no means impossible – not to talk about successful adaptation in terms of “progress”. The peculiar pseudo- or crypto-teleology of some sociobiological literature is an example of this. Of course, during the 19th century, most scientists claimed that evolution *did* mean progress. The fear from the religious is presumably that progress can happen without God, even “against” God in a certain sense, if evolution is true.

Another reason to oppose evolution is the exact opposite: it´s a blind process leading nowhere, so if humans are the products of evolution, our lives are quite simply meaningless. We might as well jump into a lake or something. Conversely, one way to reconcile evolution and belief in God or the Divine is to claim that “God did it", that evolution is somehow directed by God or expresses the unfolding of a divine spirit or reality.

My take on evolution is roughly this: why *should* it be a purposeful, meaningful, goal-directed process in the first place? Maybe evolution is “the path of the snake”: slow, meandering, ultimately leading nowhere…like the Ouroboros biting its own tail (and yes, there was a certain serpentine denizen of Eden). Evolution is an expression of God´s material energy. If you are caught up in it, and have a blinkered one-eyed vision, the only thing you are going to see is the material cosmos in all its horrid indifference. For all we know, you´re really looking at God´s backside.

Evolution really has no particular “goal”. We are certainly not its goal. Neither is the Overman, who is really just a divinized or Satanized human (or Nietzsche´s inflated ego). Neither is the goal “God plus the salvation of Me, Me, Me” (or us, us, us). Same conceit in all three cases: we (Homo sapiens) are the goal of Reality itself. Even if the Christian message was true, that still wouldn´t be the goal of the universe, it would simply be a drama in one particular small village at the outskirts of the cosmos, one with a happy ending perhaps, but hardy worth more than a passing mention in the Cosmic Daily News (“bridge repaired in Smallville”…”so-called humans redeemed on a planet known as Tellus”).

Evolution is part of samsara, the fall of Sophia, or whatever you wish to call it. It´s perfectly real on the physical plane. I´m sure there are ways to learn how to ride it, but it´s not gonna take you anywhere in the long run, except maybe back to the same spot you started from. Wanna go places? Transcend evolution.

Burnham´s Cold War

An old gem previously posted here on September 21, 2018...

In Trotskyist circles, the US in­tellectual James Burnham is often regarded as *the* apostate extraordinaire, sometimes together with Max Shachtman, with whom Burnham collaborated during one phase of his political career. During the 1930's, Burnham supported radical leftist politics, playing an important role in A J Muste's American Workers Party. Burnham then joined the Trotskyist movement, where he and Shachtman soon formed a faction critical of American Trotskyist leader James P Cannon. From his exile in Mexico, Trotsky backed Cannon. As the supposed theoretician of the opposition, Burnham was singled out for special attention by Trotsky in a series of blistering polemics. These are collected in “In Defense of Marxism”, which also contains Burnham's somewhat peculiar response “Science and Style”. When the Shachtmanites broke with Cannon's Socialist Workers Party to form their own group, simply called the Workers Party, political differences between Shachtman and Burnham led the latter to resign from the party and completely break with Marxism. The Trotskyists triumphantly included Burnham's farewell letter in “In Defense of Marxism”. Burnham then turned sharply right, becoming a prominent Cold Warrior during the 1940's and 1950's. I know less about this part of Burnham's career. Apparently, he worked with William F Buckley on the National Review and eventually received a medal from a certain Ronald Reagan. Ironically, Shachtman also became a Cold Warrior, but in contrast to his erstwhile colleague, always claimed to be a democratic socialist. It's also interesting to note that George Orwell's novel “1984” is inspired both by Trotsky's anti-Stalinism and by Burnham's most famous book, “The Managerial Revolution”.

By contrast, “Struggle for the World” seems to be one of Burnham's lesser known works. It was published in 1947 and lays out a militant Cold Warrior program. Much of it is anti-Communism 101, which may explain why the book has been mostly forgotten. Burnham argues that the Soviet Union and its allies are preparing for World War III, and intend to literally conquer the world. Communists in all nations are gearing up for the war by shedding the “moderate” popular front policies of the last phase of World War II, when the West and Stalin were allies. New purges are to be expected. The United States is heavily infiltrated by Communists and their fellow-travelers, who are working around the clock to undermine the nation and its defense capabilities. While Burnham admits that the Soviet economy is in bad shape, he nevertheless regards the Soviets as an ascendant force. Totalitarian regimes can make up for economic failures and low productivity by forced mass mobilizations of the populace, all the while taking over the productive capacity of conquered territory. Above all, the Soviets and the world Communist movement capitalize on the weakness and confusion of the Western powers, principally the United States. Burnham doesn't oppose the purely military alliance between the West and the Soviets during World War II, but believes that the Roosevelt administration went too far, turning it into a de facto political alliance, with disastrous consequences in China, Iran and elsewhere. He wants a fast-track transition from cooperation to confrontation with the Soviet Union.

Interestingly, Burnham believes in Mackinder's geopolitics, which argues that control of the Eurasian Heartland is the key to world domination (rather than, say, control of the seven seas á la the British Empire). Since most of the Heartland is already under Soviet Communist control, Burnham believes that the Soviet regime objectively speaking had the best position in the struggle for the world. Geopolitically, America is peripheral. Therefore, isolationism is suicidal. The US must engage in the Coastland (Africa and the “outer” areas of Eurasia) and hence become an interventionist world power. This is the only way to stop the Communists from establishing world domination.

Burnham admits that Communism was originally oriented to the working class and peasantry, but regards it's subsequent evolution not as a “betrayal” but rather as a logical progression away from the toilers (who were only a battering ram to begin with). Firmly in control of Russia, the Communists could broaden their foreign appeal to other strata of society: first, towards liberals and other “progressive bourgeois” forces, later also to reactionaries (including Balkan monarchists, defected Nazi generals, etc). This expresses not a weakness of Communism, but rather proves that its much stronger than during its initial “proletarian” period. Communist “multi-nationalism”, whereby local nationalisms are co-opted and used by the conquering Soviets rather than discarded outright, also strengthens the Communist system. As for Communism evolving in a more “moderate” direction (in the United States, under the leadership of Earl Browder), Burnham believes that the Communist movement will always oscillate between “left” and “right” phases, depending on tactical exigencies. The ultimate goal remains unchanged: totalitarian world domination.

The author's anti-Communist program is almost breathtakingly honest. He explicitly wants the United States to create a World Empire based on monopoly of nuclear power. The US and Britain should form an outright political union with common citizenship. Continental Europe should unite in a federation. The World Empire will be formed through a combination of voluntary union, economic pressure, and outright force. Since everything is subordinate to the struggle for the world against Communism, non-democratic anti-Communists must also be supported (such as Chiang Kai-shek in China). Burnham informs his readers that an empire is compatible with democracy in the *imperial* nation, using ancient Athens and modern Britain as examples. At one point, he even implies that a nuclear war with the Soviet Union is preferable to inaction, since Western civilization will survive such a war! (Burnham was writing before the Soviets tested their first atomic bomb in 1949.)

Since the Communists are a highly disciplined force bent on undermining Western-style democracy, Burnham proposes that the Communist Party should be officially banned. Communist-led unions, civil right groups and other campaigns should be “treated differently” than non-Communist ditto. A similar policy to the one proposed by Burnham was later implemented by Joe McCarthy…

One reason why “Struggle for the World” is forgotten today may be that it deals with contemporary politics as they looked in 1947. Already two years later, the US lost its monopoly on nuclear weapons, creating an entirely new world situation. Burnham argues that a free market economy is obsolete, and writes from the perspective of a world not yet fully “globalized”. The book fails to predict the centrifugal tendencies in the Communist bloc, since the author doesn't regard Communist movements as truly nationalist. On other points, Burnham did hit the mark: great purges did indeed start in the Eastern bloc a few years later, Communist regimes (except maybe the post-Stalin Soviet bloc) have oscillated between “left” and “right” phases ever since, and the struggle for the world could ultimately only end with one side being thoroughly defeated. Burnham was also right that the majority of the people of the Soviet Union and its satellites opposed Communism, but it's interesting to note that the Russian Communists “managed the transition” after 1991 by officially morphing into Greater Russian nationalists. Burnham would no doubt have seen this as a stunning confirmation of his idea that Communism evolves by broadening its appeal – now, it's so broad that it even includes the very political forces the Bolsheviks once overthrew!

With that, I end this review.

Animal rights in a stelliferous future


The YouTube channel metaRising or Waking Cosmos (henceforward WC) is interesting when it explores panpsychism and similar topics, but it also has a “cornucopian” tendency I strongly dislike. Like in the “documentary” above, “Dystopian Futures: Risks of Astronomical Suffering”. 

We are talking “our destiny is in the stars” stuff. WC apparently believes that the human species could one day colonize the entire galaxy and exist for trillions of years! The construction of vast and vastly complex artificial intelligences is part of this colonization program. The whole thing sounds like stale science fiction, presumably because it *is* stale science fiction. None of the speculations featured in “Dystopian Futures” will come true. Indeed, this stelliferous utopianism is arguably a kind of religion for atheist philosophers. 

It seems there is a snake in the garden even in Stellar Cornucopia, however, since WC takes the liberty of discussing various ways in which the galactic conquista can go dangerously wrong and actually increase suffering. The idea that cyborgs can become a new oppressed class or start oppressing us is hardly new. The obsession with animal rights (in a galactic future) is more original, and feels very British. The docu advances a number of concrete proposals to avoid the dangers of causing astronomical suffering. They sound distinctly “globalist” and include the formation of a world government, the appointment of special officials tasked with representing animals or future generations, and “liberal democracy” (which is impossible on a global scale). 

No proposal to simply ban and abolish AI is put forward, presumably because the cyborgs are needed for the space colonization to be feasible at all. WC proposes that we should program the AI to show due consideration for “all sentient beings”. I wonder how *that* would turn out, if AI draws certain conclusions from, say, the fact that humans are an acute threat to the biosphere… 

The idea that humans alive today live in a unique time, during which we can all make a difference for eons to come, sounds crypto-religious. The real dystopian future is the one we are already in. The birth-pangs have begun, and one consequence of resource depletion, the climate crisis and what not, is that AI won´t become as advanced as it (perhaps) could have otherwise. 

Which I suppose is a good thing, in its own kind of way!

Friday, July 21, 2023

Integration at a snail´s pace?


Previously posted December 22, 2018

During the 1990´s and ever since, large groups of Somalis have migrated to the Western nations. In Sweden, Somalis are generally considered to be the group farthest away from Swedes culturally speaking. To be absolutely blunt, they don´t assimilate or even integrate very well. To take just one example, 80% of Somalis in Sweden don´t work (the figure includes the unemployed, children and elderly). In other words, they live on handouts from the Swedish welfare state. How can this situation be remedied? How can Somalis be made to integrate in Swedish society? This is the question Per Brinkemo´s book “Mellan stat och klan: Somalier i Sverige” seeks to address.

For several years, Brinkemo worked at Somalilandföreningen (the Somaliland Association) in Malmö, Sweden´s third largest city and the home of many immigrants. The association functions as a community and information center for Somali migrants, helping them navigate the Swedish system with the ultimate aim of integration (Somaliland is an internationally non-recognized breakaway republic in northern Somalia – it seems to have good relations with some Western interest groups). The main difference between Somalia and Sweden is that Somali society is clan-based and lacks a central state apparatus. Sweden, by contrast, is the most “statist” society in the world, and is actually quite extreme even by Western standards, with a peculiar combination of strong individualism and equally strong faith in the state and its structures. Both the individualism and the statism are alien to clan-based cultures in a very fundamental sense. A clash is more or less inevitable, a clash which obviously hinders integration or even meaningful dialogue.

Two other clan-related factors are important, too. Many of the Somali clans are nomadic, the nomadic lifestyle still being extolled as an austere ideal even by town-dwellers. Thus, most Somali migrants in Sweden have a cultural mentality very far removed from that of modern city people. Second, the only attempt to create a modern nation-state in Somalia was that of Communist military strongman Siad Barre (in power 1969-1991), who attempted to prohibit and suppress the clans at one swoop. This led to a brutal civil war, at which point Barre was forced to mobilize his own clans in the regime´s defense, thereby in effect proving his inability to transcend the clan divides. The war ended with Somalia breaking apart after Barre´s ouster in 1991. It has been a “failed state” ever since. Thus, the only concrete experience Somalis have of statism is an intensely repressive and negative one. Many are therefore suspicious of Swedish authorities and prefer to let their clans handle matters.

Brinkemo further points out that Somali culture is what he calls “a culture of survival”, as opposed to Swedish culture which he dubs “welfare culture” (here, “welfare” refers to a high standard of living and a general feeling that abundance is the natural state of affairs – the term can be misunderstood in American English!) In a culture of survival, authoritarian clans and a low degree of individual freedom is the norm. It also explains phenomena Swedes find downright baffling, such as the “unaccompanied minors” (child refugees). Somewhat ironically, it also explains why so many Somalis prefer to live on welfare payments rather than work – in a survival culture, you always expect the worst of tomorrow, which also means you don´t say no to a windfall profit today. As one Somali explained to Brinkemo: “Nomads don´t have to work when it´s raining. In Sweden, it´s raining every day” (raining as opposed to a drought – i.e. in Sweden abundance is mysteriously present all the time). Most of the welfare money is sent abroad to other clan members, including those still living in Somalia, explaining why most Somalis are relatively poor despite ample handouts.

Brinkemo points out that Islam has little or nothing to do with the cultural collision between Somalis and Swedish society, except in the obvious sense that most Somalis consider themselves to be Muslims. However, the Muslim prophet Muhammad opposed clans. Despite this, Muslim society is still intensely clannish, but so are Christian or pagan groups in territories which lack a strong state. Thus, the root of the problem (if you like to see it as such) isn´t “Islam” but rather the low standard of living in conjunction with weak states (or strong rapacious ones á la Barre). Thus, the obsession with all things Islamic simply misses the point in this case (and perhaps in many other cases too). Besides, Somali Islam is to a large extent Sufi in character, jihadists being a minority.

“Mellan klan och stat” is so objectively written that it almost sounds pro-Somali. While Brinkemo hasn´t “gone native”, he is quite understanding of many aspects of Somali culture. The clans may be authoritarian, but at least they keep their children or teenagers on a leash – in permissive Swedish schools, Somali students (and other immigrants) frequently go out of control. Clan-based justice is more efficient than the Swedish justice system, at least when dealing with crimes within the Somali community. Yes, Somalis have large families to feed, but so what? That´s a logical corollary of the clan system. “Unaccompanied minors” aren´t really abandoned (and not really children), and they can often get help from their respective clans in Sweden. Most Somalis are functionally illiterate, but this is no problem in Somalia, a land of great poets and talkative clan elders. The breakaway republic of Somaliland has a bi-cameral parliament, in which unelected clan elders form the senate – Brinkemo seems to think that this hybrid system is a good compromise under the circumstances.

The most controversial aspects of Somali culture are mentioned only in passing. In a book 165 pages long, only one paragraph deals with Female Genital Mutilation (which is particularly barbaric in Somalia). Somali welfare dependence is mentioned, but you have to look for it. The potentially explosive information that Somali unaccompanied refugee children *are neither children nor teenagers* (i.e. they are adults posing as minors) is mentioned in a short parenthesis! While Brinkemo wants to integrate Somalis into Swedish society, I think it´s obvious that we´re dealing with a kind of “integration at a snail´s pace”. Rather than leaving integration to the state with its bureaucrats and clueless social engineers, Brinkemo believes that civil society should take greater responsibility, including groups such as the Somaliland Association. His perspective seems to be a “right-wing liberal” form of multi-culturalism. The book is published by Timbro, a free market think-tank associated with the Swedish business community.

So how was this pro-Somali and anti-racist book greeted by the Swedish pundit establishment? Was Brinkemo hailed for his new insights into how to *really* solve the problems of integration in a modern Western nation?

Of course not. For the past six years, Brinkemo has been slandered as a “racist” on a semi-regular basis in the main stream media…

Welcome to Sweden, guys!

It began already in 2012 when Brinkemo (who worked and socialized with Somalis for years and *supports* them, remember?) pointed out that a large portion of Somali immigrants in Sweden are functionally illiterate. Unfortunately for Brinkemo, Sweden Democrat leader Jimmie Åkesson had said pretty much the same thing, so the author was promptly accused of being a racist and crypto-fascist by a certain pundit in Aftonbladet, one of Sweden´s largest newspapers. At the very least, he was “aiding the Sweden Democrats”. The article was obviously character assassination, with the pundit deliberately distorting a letter Brinkemo had written to the anti-immigration site Avpixlat. In 2014, the campaign continued. Already before “Mellan klan och stat” had left the printers, Aftonbladet published an angry statement signed by eight Somali activists who mysteriously knew that the book was racist, colonialist, essentialist and what not (the statement is written in postmodern jargon, including the annoying term The Other). 

Another major Swedish daily, Expressen, published an article by Somali anti-racist activist and reporter Bilan Osman, which is particularly ironic. After actually reading the book, she too declares it to be “racist”, “colonialist” and so on. She denies (!) that Somalis have a fundamentally different culture. But then comes the clincher: Osman is *opposed* to Somalis integrating into Swedish society, since “integration” really means assimilation. This means that she really does think Somali culture is different *but it also means that her position isn´t that different from Brinkemo´s own*. Both call for integration at a snail´s pace!  

The moral panic surrounding Brinkemo´s book shows the dismal state of both Swedish integration policy and the debate about it. Until recently, there essentially wasn´t any debate, despite its manifest failure. Swedish integration policy has a peculiar double character: on the one hand, immigrants are allowed to keep their own language and their own culture. On the other hand, “culture” is construed very narrowly. After attending Swedish schools or courses, Somalis and other immigrant groups are expected to behave according to de facto Swedish norms (i.e. individualist, statist and gender-equalitarian). Their distinct culture is simply a matter of language, preferences in dress or food, or religion interpreted as an individual choice. All humans are seen as equal, which means they are equally rational (by Swedish standards) and equally apt to understand the sheer splendidness of Swedish society if given a fair shake in education, employment and so on. A Somali who can´t or won´t integrate, let alone assimilate, is therefore an insult against the deeply held Swedish-leftist-liberal conviction that everyone is equal (and therefore equally likely to become Swedish in the left-liberal modern sense). However, nobody can really acknowledge the failure since that would be "racist". Such cases must therefore be swept under the rug...and then BAU simply resumes. This attitude is particularly bizarre today, as many of the recent “refugees” to Sweden has turned out to be feral lumpens, yet they are treated as just another future group of neo-Swedes, offered courses in gay rights, etc.

That being said, in a way Brinkemo´s critics are actually right. Brinkemo wants a civilized debate about possible new departures in integration policy. Unless I misunderstood him in some really hideous manner, the author also wants Sweden to become truly multi-cultural, or at least start an open-ended discussion about what this could possibly mean. Clue: it´s not just the dress or the food. However, it´s not hard for a Sweden Democrat to spin “Mellan klan och stat” in a completely different manner. If Somalis are as culturally different from Swedes as Brinkemo suggests, if snail-paced integration is the best we can hope for, why allow them entry into the country in the first place? Why *should* Sweden try and integrate (fast or slowly) nomadic people from a far-away nation at the Horn of Africa? Especially if Swedes are attacked as “racist” and “colonialist” regardless of what policy choices they make…

This is what Brinkemo´s critics fear. But lacking real solutions to the problems Brinkemo describes, the only thing they can do is shooting the messenger, thereby adding further fuel to the fire they so desperately want to stop…