Sunday, July 30, 2023

Vad var det jag sa? Del 7000


Muslimsk bild av Muhammad och Gabriel
med ansiktena fullt synliga.

Undersökningen nedan bekräftar att organiserade muslimer i Sverige vill förbjuda *all* kritik av islam. Ett argument som används för att motivera förbud mot koranbränningar är att det vore "naivt" att tro att Sverige kan uppfostra "en miljard muslimer" till att förstå hur svensk yttrandefrihet fungerar. Men det verkar vara väldigt svårt att "uppfostra" även muslimer som *bor och verkar i Sverige* om detta! 

Från artikeln: "Ett stort antal svenska moskéer uppger till Doku att de vill ha ett förbud inte bara mot koranbränning utan mot alla handlingar som skändar, provocerar och förolämpar islams och muslimers symboler och heliga värderingar."

Svenska moskéer vill ha ett totalt kränkningsförbud

Se även här:

Koranbränningsförbudsförespråkarnas ohederlighet


  1. I read both articles and the further link about the LVU. You know, with either/or thinking, the first insight is 'if you don't want to live in a free western society, then leave!' And again, it is the laws (sharia) embedded in the Koran more than the religious practice, prayers, pilgrimages that fuel objections. Practice your faith, but don't try to impose it on the rest of us. Is Islam a proselytizing faith? Like the Jehovah's Witnesses, if only 144,000 people will inherit the Earth, why are you ringing everyone's doorbell? Haven't you gathered them all up yet?
    Over here, the Christian Right now want to bring back public stoning as a punishment because it is in the Old Testament, which is the Absolute final Word of G-d.

    And let's not forget the prevalent theory that since Jews killed Jesus, they must be destroyed as well! So at the end of the ages, what or whose religion will be left?

    Glad you survived your journey !

  2. The Jehovah´s Witnesses believe that while only 144,000 will get heavenly spirit-bodies and go to heaven, all other Witnesses will get perfect physical bodies and stay on a rejuvenated Earth. Everyone else will either burn up or stay dead (annihilationism). So no literal hell, but only the Witnesses will survive the apocalypse (surprise).

  3. The stoning bullshit appeared already during the 1990´s with the Christian Reconstructionists. But then, it was mostly mentioned in the context of gays!
