Monday, February 21, 2022

Rainbow Warrior


This is supposedly an authentic Native American prophecy, revealed in 1986 by Lee Brown at the Continental Indigenous Council in Alaska. It was recently reposted at a YouTube channel of a New Age-conspiracy-libertarian bent. 

Some quick research on the web reveals that the prophecy is fake, or at the very least not American Indian. Nor does it reveal anything about "our own time" (presumably the early 21st century). The prophecy is supposedly very ancient and was revealed for the first time during the 1960´s, but since nobody seems to have heard about it before 1986, its predictions about a manned mission to the Moon and similar things, can´t be checked. Its future predictions are about a coming thermonuclear war. It´s at least implied that it could take place during the 1990´s. Of course, World War III was on everybody´s mind during the Cold War II of the 1980´s. Why doesn´t the prophecy say anything about COVID, climate change, the Ukraine crisis or Donald Trump? Instead, it mentions the Iran-Iraq War which was in the news at the time the message was given...

I don´t know who Lee Brown is. On old web forums from circa 2005 he is described as a Cherokee resident in Washington State or British Columbia. His prophecy is usually described as Hopi (a completely different Native people), but is also included on obscure websites about Cherokee prophecies. It is obviously nothing of the sort, since it contains near-explicit references to the Bahai faith. The Bahai, a peculiar religious group originally from Iran, have evangelized heavily at American Indian reservations. One of their websites confirms that Brown is a convert. The Bahai have an apocalyptic perspective and have apparently used the "Rainbow Warrior legend" in their missionary outreach to Natives. This "legend" (from the 1950´s) states that the four main races will be reunited in North America at the end of days. It was originally used or even invented by Christian missionaries. Mormons have also used it. 

In Lee Brown´s version, the White race are "the people of the North" and "the people of Baha" (sic) who will bring their "fire" to the American Indians. (In some versions of Brown´s speech, all references to Bahai have been excised.) There are also hidden references to Theosophy (or perhaps Max Heindel´s form of Rosicrucianism) in the "prophecy". I´m refering to the claim about different "cycles": spirit, mineral, plant, animal, human. That, and Atlantis!

I´m not terribly interested in this kind of spirituality, but since the clip came up in my feed (not sure why), I decided to deconstruct it for your benefit... 



    What Bahais actually believe.

  2. Cant trust a thing these days if "rainbow* in The title. Speaking of rainbows, there is a pree-school called
    "Regnbågens förskola". The local youths changed the sign at the entrace to "Regnbögens förskola".
