Sunday, November 14, 2021

They should have given the peace prize to Greta (part 5,762)

I told you the Norwegians should have given that darn prize to Greta. Yes, it´s about Ethiopia again!

Note that Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who was until recently considered a Western ally, has been disavowed by Washington (and apparently also by Facebook, which censors his page). According to one source linked below supposed US asset Ahmad has too close ties to China... 

Meanwhile, the former ruling party, the TPLF, have signed a military pact with other ethnic militias to fight Ahmed...a pact signed in Washington! Suggesting that the TPLF are trying to lobby the Biden administration. 

Unless I´m wrong about something, Ethiopia under the TPLF had good relations with both the US and China - no problem, as long as the globos and the ChiComs were friends with benefits. I assume the US supported Ahmad due to his privatizations of the Ethiopian economy and his peace deal with Eritrea, which was good for regional stability (the conflicts in the Horn of Africa are an extension of the MENA theatre). I´m not sure why Ahmad turned coat. Something Trump tweeted? Or something Biden didn´t do? Today, being friendly to both Washington and Beijing no longer washes, so Ahmad has been cast out. 

But not entirely, since the US don´t really like the TPLF either (I mean, when in power they refused to sell out the entire economy to US-based multi-nationals despite generous aid packages, what´s up with that). This explains why the Biden Admin is trying to make both factions, Ahmad and the TPLF, to negotiate a peace agreement. Presumably, Joe wants to dictate the future politix of any new coalition government in Addis. If anyone still gives a damn about Biden´s opinions after the Kabul ice cream fiasco, is perhaps another matter entirely...

But sure, if he succeeds, I suppose *he* could get the next Nobel Peace Prize, LOL.     

And yes, it´s an ethnic conflict. As well. 

Ethiopia becomes a strategic headache

Ethiopian civil war turned on its head

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