Thursday, November 11, 2021

Have you actually read John Locke?

No offense, but...

I´m sick and tired of Fallacy Man. Really. I´m also sick and tired of his Christian counterpart. We could call him Kalam Argument Man. Why does 95% of all atheist-Christian polemics on the web so quickly devolve into an argument between these two types? 

In one ring corner, a young White atheist male with Asperger´s and a monotonous voice, sperging on and on about "fallacy no 16" or "fallacy no 72" (or was it the no 666). I could name names. But alas, since they look like nice guys (yes, really), I won´t. 

In the other ring corner, we have a somewhat older White male with intellectual pretensions, but really a quasi-intellectual educated at some obscure Bible college in Texas, with a doctoral thesis about the Kalam argument in his back pocket (nobody reads it and frankly, nobody understands it either). 

Both of them argue with relentless and flawless *logic* least in their own minds. Of course, they accuse each other of being illogical. 

So what´s wrong with this picture?

Well, I don´t know. God isn´t, you know, a proposition of logic...?

Paul didn´t convert to Christianity because of some logical proposition showing that Jesus is indeed the Christ. He converted because of a Damascus road experience...

Presumably, Charles Darwin de-converted because of a "Galapagos Island experience". 

Logic had nothing to do with it, either way. Guys, logic is an abstraction. It can show if a proposition as stated is illogical. Which may indeed be a good thing. But that´s what logic does. Nothing more. Since when can logic prove or disprove *empirical* statements? The existence of God is an empirical statement. So why do people try to prove or disprove it with logic? 

The medieval scholastics argued with imaginary atheists. They could deal with real atheists more efficiently by simply burning them at the stake. Sometimes, they argued with imaginary Muslims, as well. At some point, around 1750 or so, real atheists invited themselves to the scholastic discourses, and here we are. But are we really any wiser? 

To be continued.  


  1. OT:
    Those damn ungratefull peasants! Weve given them donuts and Candy and God knows what. If they dont get their jabs after this wonderfull offer we better round them up in camps and jab them.

  2. Well, if they give me free donuts and candy, I suppose I could consider locking down this Christmas, ha ha.
