Tuesday, November 9, 2021

"He is Pashupati"


I linked to this before, but here we go again. 

I was inspired linking to this after reading in the papers that  the Danish minister of whatever (health care?) said that everyone who isn´t vaccinated will "live dangerously this winter". Apparently, corona-chan is picking up steam again.

Clearly, the Danish government doesn´t know half of it... 

One thing is clear: Sadhguru wouldn´t have any problem with Euthyphro´s dilemma! 


  1. Peasants shouldnt worry about if its good to get the the jab beacause ther leaders want it or if our leaders want us to get the jab bacause the jab is good. Just STFU and and take the jab. Are we gonna do this the hard way or the easy way?
    But speaking of Chans, i must say Ebola Chan is way cooler than Corona Chan. Thats a wholesome girl. Not some wannabe flu like Corona Chan.


  2. Ebola-chan is probably a genuine "hungry ghost" or "preta". Even Shiva should react and blast it sky high!

  3. Nah, Ebola Chan is not a hungry ghost. She is a perfect incarnation of girl power.
    Funny with all those people who have made shrines to her in the woods and in abandonded buildings. Probably a joke in most cases but if some of the big names in 20th century western occultism are right(they are most likley not), worship of a made up entity by lots of people Will create said entity with a Will of its own. Eggregori(spelning?)they call such an entoty
