Sunday, November 21, 2021

The Hindu ethic and the atman of capitalism

Why are Indian gurus selling noodles?

For the same reason as the "gurus" of modern capitalist consumerism, obviously. You know, money, profit, Protestant work ethic, that kind of thing... 


  1. Yes, but didnt the Christian entrepeneurs in Most cases hold a very strict separation from their goods and their fate? The Barclay corporation for exampel(quakers), was almost like proctor-gamble when they were as mist succesfull.. Sold almost evrything under the sun on a global scale. But they didnt try to make their customers Think they got closer to God by consuming their stuff.

  2. Excuse me for sperging out about about Shampoo and hair care stuff, its a special intrest of mine. But that guru sells protein schampoo. Thats almost a scam. Used to be popular in the West 20 yrs ago or so but the hype faded quickly for a good reason. Adding external protein to your hair is a bad idea. Initially it might give the apperance of "repairing" your hair. But the external protein of course isnt integrated in the hair strands(only the protein you eat can do that). Instead it sticks to the strands like a thin but uneven layer of grainy paint. With long time use this layer gets thicker and the layers on each strand will begin to stick their neighbouring strands. This results in huuuge increase in friction and tear when you comb the hair. Lots of long haired people chose to cut their hair short and start all over again after long term use of protein schampo.

  3. Besides, if an indian Guru should even bother about hair care, at least let it be aurhentic ayur vedic stuff. Things like washing the scalp with cow piss (or own piss if no cow is near)infused with this or that wild herb, what edible oil thats best for the hair of your dosha etc...
    But those things are a lot harder(but not impossible) to make a profit from. Bulk chemicals mixed in water and a minimal dash of some ayur vedic herb is what people call "ayur vedic shampoo" these days. And now that joker of a Guru made it even worse by adding protein.
    Of all the things ayur veda says about hair and scin care, the Most stressed and repeated rule is: Dont put anything on your body that wouldnt be a Good idea for you to also eat or drink.
