Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Operation Black Swan

A few years ago, the North Korean news agency reported that a "unicorn cave" had been found outside Pyongyang, to the general amusement of the rest of the world, only to retreat from the claim some time later, claiming it was a mistranslation (what happened to the poor translator was, alas, never explained). 

Now, Chairman Kim is supposedly telling his people to eat highly nutritious...black swans?!

Another mistranslation, I assume.

Or no?

North Koreans pushed to eat black swans amid food crisis


  1. In Sweden, mute swans were certainly eaten 500 years ago. This according to an exhibit at the Nordic Museum in Stockholm!

  2. How to survive the long decline of the Hermit Kingdom: grow your own vegetables, breed your own black swans. Juche!

  3. Because just like the chinese they are obsessed with a diversity of species and sub-species in their diet. Not to mention all the "cretive" ways they consume the animals. Slowly Boiing an octupuss while ypur are cutting pieces of it to put on your plate. Frying fishes in oil with their head above the surfade so that it is still alive when you chew it, Boiling cats and dogs alive in large pressure cookers to make a fond thats used as base in soups etc... They claim that the slow killing gives a diffrent taste.Might be true. I suppose all lots of chemical processeses are triggererd when you are in extreme pain and terminal angst.

  4. Could explain the strange interest in black swans in particular. I once met a hard line leftist who didn´t like animal rights activists, when there was a lot of talk about South Koreans eating cats during the Seoul olympics in 1988, he went to a place in Stockholm (Hötorgshallen?) and asked if he could buy cat meat (this was intended as a kind of protest against animal rights), but the salespeople thought he was trolling them, so nothing came out of it...

  5. Sounds like something Hubinette could do. Imagine if some young MENA-men was wirhin earshot. "Ha ha, Mr squidgame is eating cats". And the swedes would just say "how terrible". Then Hubinette would Witte a 20 pages long essay about how ethnical swedes unite with MENA-men just to get to express their sinofobic wiews.

  6. OT:

    This is really worrying. Ni reports in MSM of course.

