Sunday, November 21, 2021

Keep the guru in the freezer

This is "old news" (2014-2017) but I decided to link to it anyway. Yes, it´s a bizarre story about a stone dead Hindu guru whose body is literally kept in a freezer by his devotees, supposedly because they believe he is only in a deep meditative trance! The real reason might be some kind of property dispute, although I don´t understand how the freezer situation fits into the scenario. Isn´t the guru legally dead according to Indian courts? 

Dead Indian guru frozen by devotees

Followers win fight to keep guru in the freezer

A dead seer kept alive by blind faith


  1. Sounds like the God emperor in 40k. They empire says he is kept alive with some high tech "throne" and is protecting the empire in mysterious ways in a state of suspended animation. But the Throne is probably just a freezer with flashy stuff superficially added to hide the fact that its just a freezer.
