Thursday, November 11, 2021

After Scientology


"After Earth" is a film starring Will Smith and his son Jaden. It was released in 2013. Directed by M Night Shyamalan, it´s based on an idea by Will Smith and was originally intended to start off an entire franchise. Since "After Earth" tanked at the box office, most of the intended cottage industry was scrapped. Perhaps just as well, since the film has been accused of having a hidden Scientology message. Which it might indeed have. Will Smith has connections to the controversial New Religious Movement, often accused by critics and defectors alike of being a dangerous mind-control cult. However, he denies being an outright member of the "Church" of Scientology.

The plot of "After Earth" is set in the far future. Earth, devastated by an ecological crisis, has been abandoned by humanity. Unfortunately, the new human home world, Nova Prime, is claimed by a race of evil aliens who use monsters called "Ursas" to hunt down and kill humans. (The aliens themselves are never actually seen in the film.) When a routine space flight goes wrong, General Cypher Raige and his son Kitai crash on the abandoned Earth. A captured Ursa kept at the space ship gets away and the hunt is on! Earth also turns out to be teeming with human-hating animals of various kinds (the entire planet seems to have recovered from the eco-disaster and reverted to an earlier stage of biological evolution).

One of the main plot elements is the idea that the Ursas can track humans by sensing their fear. The key to defeating an Ursa is therefore to suppress all fear inside you - a technique the film calls "ghosting". Cypher has mastered this meditation method (as well as a sword that would put any Jedi to shame) and has therefore become the de facto savior-figure of the human race. Kitai must learn the same trick, or perish at the hostile planet that was once humanity´s home...

It could have been an interesting story, but the weird or bad acting combined with an extremely simplistic plot, makes the film boring or even somewhat hard to watch. You expect Will Smith to be funny, and Shyamalan to be mystical, and here, none of them delivers. Even the special effects are bad. The Ursa isn´t particularly scary, except maybe to kids. 

But what about the Scientology? While some critics of the "Church" claim that it´s just as shitty movie, I think there are references to L Ron Hubbard´s peculiar belief system in this production. One example is the curious lack of emotion in Cypher (starred by Will Smith), who comes across as lobotomized or robotic. This is contrasted with the constant emotional outbursts of his son Kitai. Much Scientology training is about suppressing emotion, and Scientology parents are supposed to act in a cold manner towards their children. The volcano is a dead give away (look at the cover of "Dianetics" sometimes), and so is the Ranger Corps (probably a hidden reference to Sea Org). Kitai´s fear is caused by a guilt-ridden memory from his childhood, which he has to overcome using various mental techniques. Engrams and auditing? The entire "space opera" angle is also very Hubbardian. It´s a well known fact that Hubbard was a succesful science fiction writer. Some critics claim that the peculiar space crafts in the film are similar to those mentioned in the (secret but leaked) Xenu material.

I was also struck by the strong anti-ecology angle of the film. While Earth is said to have been abandoned due to an ecological crisis, it´s obvious that the flick is really pro-high tech. Nature constantly tries to kill Kitai (the eagle that eventually saves him is anomalous), while salvation is always some form of technological gadgetry. This opposition between Nature and man makes "After Earth" very different from standard pop culture (compare "Avatar"). I assume this is also in keeping with a Scientology message. 

Overall, however, "After Earth" is mostly just a failed cinema production...

[Revised 2021-11-14]  


  1. Intresting question about front organisations. I suppose it boils down to how long you can LARP something you are not before you attract to many people who are doing for real what you are LARP:ing.
    I guy i know who is a long time sober substance addict actually ended his addiction trough NARCONON. He claims that there is something usefull with the seemingly bissare purification rundown as they call the marathon sauna sessions and mega doses of vitamins. Of course they tried to recruit him to pay for "usefull" courses in scientology when he was clean. He declined. Any way, according to him some of the NARCONON treatment centers are mainly run these days by people who are sceptical of scientology as such but like the purification rundown method. The scientology organisation threads very lightly when they try to retake their full control of the NARCONON-centers, fearing a major backlash. Better some control than no control at all.
    He says he hopes that there will be plenty of places in the future that do purification rundowns without any ties wathsoever to scientolgy.

  2. Very interesting. I believe Narconon in Sweden even gets some kind of support from the local governments (kommuner). Was it Huddinge? Or Haninge? This was during the 1990´s.

    For a critical take written by me long ago, see here:

  3. Yes. the scientologists go wild with every shred of official endorsment they can get.
    I think saunas as such can be a very Good addition to a drug rehabilitation program, especially in the initial phase since sauna is a proven way to temporarly reduce anxiety. A well taught out vitamin regimen is also good since many addicts have terrible vitamin and mineral status. But this should be well planned and individually adapted, not narconons bissare fixation on "extra megadoses of niacin for evryone". Niacin is usually the last vitamin people go low on. Its in almost evrything edible.
    Saunas have actually been proven latley to aid the body in detoxing of a few toxins, esowcially sone heavy metals. But this is hardly relevant to drugs. By the time an addict is enrolled in a treatment facility all of the drugs are already out of his system. What the scientoligists and many others call "detox" is actually abstinence symptoms, wich is something completly diffrent. "Abstinence" and "detox" are totally diffrent things that often are confused by quacks and social workers. There are minscule amounts of some drugs that are left behind in fat tissues and are released when you lose that fat but you cant get rid of that in completly unless you lose all body fat, and those trace amounts are not a problem any way. Some environment toxins on the other hand actually can be a real problem when you lose a lot of fat in a short time.
    In conclusion: Scientology sucks big time but they seem to have stubmled overr something that can be a usefull addition to trestament of addicts if you modify it.

  4. OT: "Who the hell forgot to give Biden his Ice Cream!? You know what happens when he is out if he cream. And Its not like we han cancel him just like that".

  5. I often suspect that Biden is a closeted racist (as in old school racist), or at least very "racially insensitive". Since he is in cognitive decline, this will shine through in various contexts. Like here. Or like when he asked (almost out of the blue) a Black reporter who asked too critical questions "are you a junkie", and so on...

  6. Add an also inreasing inabilty to control his sexual impulses and it can get really funny. Grabbing some "sexy black hoes ass" during live tv. "Its ok, negroe women always like it when i grab em like this. I Always celebrated them great negro women and I Will do till the day i die. Ypu vill have to prey this great negroe ass out of my cold dead hands before i let go".
