Sunday, November 28, 2021

It doesn´t always begin with the Jews...

I don´t know who Paul Kingsnorth might be. (It´s not the guy on the picture above. That´s Adolf Eichmann!) The link below is to a recent article by Kingsnorth on Substack. Most of his other content seems to be behind a paywall, but this one is for free. 

The short form is that while the COVID pandemic is real and serious, the establishment is using it as an excuse to impose authoritarian technological forms of control on the citizens. Control measures which so far haven´t been able to stop the virus, not even in nations where almost everyone is vaccinated. Suggesting that the real point of the control is something else entirely. 

Free speech, critical thinking and even science are among the causalties of this "war", and soon, liberalism and democracy itself might follow suit, as Germany and Austria are threatening to forcibly vaccinate and/or incarcerate sections of their respective populations (as an Englishman, Kingsnorth finds this highly ironic). 

Here is one quote:

>>>We are moving towards enforced mandatory vaccination of entire populations - including children - and prison sentences for those who refuse. By winter’s end, we could be living in a world in which the state has taken full charge of our bodies, and our only chance of remaining active members of society is to submit to their every instruction, and agree to permanent digital monitoring to prove our compliance. 

>>>Eighteen months ago, anyone suggesting that this would be the direction of travel when this virus arrived in town would have been dismissed as a paranoid David Icke fanboy. But over that eighteen months we have moved smoothly from ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’ to ‘mandatory injections to avoid prison.’ We have normalised this, and accepted it. We have not asked questions. Those who have dissented have been censored, silenced, bullied and abused.

Read all of it here:

The Vaccine Moment, Part 1: On the Days of Revelation


  1. Vad sa Adolf Eichman när han sökte jobb på arbetsförmedlingen i tredje riket?
    - Jag skulle så gärna vilja jobba med människor.

  2. De glömde kolla hans värdegrund...
