Monday, April 26, 2021

Wikipedia of the Week

Maybe Wiki isn´t *that* bad, after all? Perhaps I should have a "Wiki of the Week" on my blog? For instance, did you know that the Maldives used to be Mahayana-Vajrayana once? Of course you didn´t. Now, you do. 

And then there´s this: "In February 2012, a group of Islamic extremists forced their way into the National Museum in Malé and attacked the museum's collection of pre-Islamic sculptures, destroying or severely damaging nearly the entire collection about thirty Buddhist sculptures dating from the 6th to 12th centuries. Museum staff indicated that as the sculptures were made from very brittle coral or limestone it would be impossible to repair most of them, and only two or three pieces were in a repairable condition."

Buddhism in the Maldives


  1. I know next to nothing about the Maldives. Apparently, Ibn Battuta was a qadi there during a prolonged stay during the 14th (?) century. He complained that the local Muslim women weren´t following the purdah, instead roaming half-nude in public! Of course, the old hypocrite probably married about five of them, LOL.

  2. Vad är det för bild? Får erkänna att "schysta lökar" var den första tanken som for genom mitt huvud. "Fin getingmidja" kom härnäst. Först i tredje hand undrade jag vilken tradition statyn är sprungen ur.

  3. "Gröna Tara" eller "Green Tara" från Vajrayana.

  4. Intressant att händerna bara har tre fingrar. Någon symbolik eller bara "fusk"? Många professionella serietecknare kör också med bara tre fingrar på vissa karraktärer. Ser märkligt nog snyggare ut på lite kompaktare, breda figurer.

  5. Bra fråga. Hon har fem fingrar på varje hand på alla andra bilder jag sett...

    Så en vild gissning är fusk.
